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The  Judeo-Christian  Bible

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               etching on wood of Moses breaking the Ten Commandments tablets - after Gustav Doré

The Judeo-Christian Bible is the main document supporting the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant Christian religions.
The contents are often mis-read, mis-interpreted, mis-quoted, and-or mis-construed by pretenders intent on other agendas
such as evangelicalism, fascism, racism, and political oppression.

“No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means.”
George Bernard Shaw [1856-1950]

“To paraphrase the Christian Bible (Matthew 16): For what is a man profited if he shall make
beaucoup bucks while transforming the planet into a cesspool.”
author/philosopher/revolutionary G.E. Nordell

“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”
author Isaac Asimov [1920-92]

“Jehovah has always seemed to me the most fascinating character in all fiction.”
— Oliver Herford [1863-1935]

“Religion is for primitives.” — author/philosopher/revolutionary G.E. Nordell

Structure  of  The  Bible

           The basic Judeo-Christian Bible consists of 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. The eighty-book Protestant Bible variants have fourteen books in between the Old Testament and New Testament, in a section called the Apocrypha.

           The Judeo-Christian Old Testament is made up of five books {aka 'The Pentateuch'} corresponding to the Jewish Torah (Bereshit/Genesis, Shemot/Exodus, Vayikra/Leviticus, Bamidbar/Numbers, Devarim/Deuteronomy); 12 books telling the history of the Israelites, from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther); the poetic and 'wisdom' books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon); the Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel); and the Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi).

           The Biblical Apocrypha are 14 books ommitted from the official canon (i.e. not 'the Word of God'), yet considered important, especially by Anglicans and Lutherans; many Protestants have never heard of the Apocrypha. The books are: 1 & 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4-16:24), Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus/Sirach, Baruch and The Epistle of Jeremy, Song of The Three Children, Story of Susanna, The Idol Bel and The Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, 1 & 2 Maccabees.

           The Christian New Testament is made up of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts of The Apostles), 14 Pauline epistles (written by St. Paul), 7 general epistles, and The Book of Revelation. The dates of creation of these books are uncertain; most scholars believe that they were written between 70AD and 115AD; some say as late as 200AD.

Each designated quotable line is defined by 'book chapter:verse', as in Genesis 1:1.

History  of  The  Bible
Ancient Times
  • 4 B.C.E. - 39 C.E.: Rule by Roman tetrarch Herod Antipas over Galilee and Perea in present-day Israel; he is most famous for the executions of John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 4 B.C.E. Spring: Birth of historical Jesus of Nazareth; tradition has his birthplace at Bethlehem in present-day Palestine.
  • 1 C.E.: Birth of historical Simon of Syria; he became Saint Peter the Apostle, founded the Roman Christian Church as its first Bishop or Pope, and died a martyr in Rome, circa 66 C.E.
  • 5 C.E.: Birth of historical Saul of Tarsus; he became Saint Paul the Apostle and died a martyr in Rome, circa 66 C.E.
  • 27?-37? C.E.: Pontius Pilate served as the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea in present-day Israel, under Roman Emperor Tiberius; he is most famous for the execution of Jesus of Nazareth in 29 C.E.
  • 29 C.E.: Death of historical Jesus of Nazareth, by crucifixion at the hands of the Romans.
  • circa 66 C.E.: Martyrdom of both St. Paul and St. Peter at the hands of the Romans.
  • circa 300-325 C.E.: Transcription of the Codex Vaticanus B 1029 manuscript; although incomplete, it is considered to be the oldest known Biblical text.
  • 325 C.E.: First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea {present-day Itzik, Republic of Türkiye} convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine I; results included the Nicene Creed and a standard date for celebrating Easter; that this meeting decided the books of the canonical Christian Bible is myth and not historical.
  • circa 330-360 C.E.: Transcription of the Codex Sinaiticus manuscript, discovered in 1844 and quickly declared to be the second-oldest Bible ever found.
  • 382 C.E.: Pope Damasus's Council of Rome; the next year, Pope Damasus I [305?-384 C.E.] commissioned the Latin Vulgate edition of the Christian Bible; the translation was largely the work of Saint Jerome of Stridon [340s-420 C.E.].
  • 393 C.E.: The Synod of Hippo Regius in North Africa (the modern city of Annaba, Algeria) was the first time that a council of bishops listed and approved a Christian Biblical canon.
  • circa 400-440 C.E.: Manual creation of the oldest and most-complete version of the Christian Bible, the Codex Alexandrinus, written in Greek; one copy exists at the British Museum.
  • 419 C.E.: The Council of Carthage confirmed the earlier Christian Biblical canon and also added the Book of Revelation.
  • 525 C.E.: Scythian monk Dionysius Exiguus (Latin for 'Dionysius the Humble') [470?-544?] of Rome calculated the current year since the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, creating the A.D. (Anno Domini) / B.C. (Before Christ) dating practice. More accurate historical data in modern times suggest that Jesus was born in the Spring four years B.C. and that his death was just after Passover in A.D. 29.

    Middle Ages

  • 1340: The illuminated manuscript "Bible Moralisée of Naples" was produced in French from the Latin Vulgate Bible, per the order of Robert the Wise [1276-1343], King of Naples; he is said to have presented two copies to his heir & toddler grandaughter Joanna and her toddler fiance cousin, Charles Anjou of Hungary, but the dates don't crossfoot.
  • 1454: Printing of the 42-line Holy Bible, an edition of the Vulgate Bible, by Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg [1400?-1468] in Mainz, Holy Roman Empire; 160-180 copies were printed, only 48 substantially-complete copies survive.
  • 1539: The Great Bible was the first authorised (by King Henry VIII) edition of the Christian Bible in English; clergy read from the book during services of the Church of England, with a second copy at each church location chained and available for lay members to read.
  • 1545-1563: The Council of Trent defined a secondary (ie, deutero) canon which is 46 books for the Old Testament and 27 for the New.
  • 1569 Basel: Publication of the first whole-Bible Spanish translation, authored by Casiodoro de Reina [1520?-1594].
  • October 1582: Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian Calendar, which replaced the less-accurate Julian Calendar, and is currently used in most of the world. The Protestant Church of England refused to adapt the Gregorian calendar until September 1752, at which point Britain and the British Empire (and the American colonies) skipped the accumulated eleven days difference. Russia waited until February 1918, at which point they skipped 13 days difference.
  • 1596 London: Publication of the Bible translated into Spanish by Cipriano de Valera.
  • 1602 Amsterdam: First publication of the Reina-Valera Spanish-language Bible - still very much the standard for Hispanic non-Catholic Christians.
  • 1604: King James of Scotland & England commissioned an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England.
  • 1611 May 2: Official publication of the King James Bible in England; it contains 80 books: 39 in its Old Testament, 14 in its Apocrypha, and 27 in its New Testament.


    Richard Bancroft [1544-1610] was an English churchman and Archbishop of Canterbury from 1604 to 1610;
    he was 'chief overseer' of the King James Bible.

    Modern Times

  • 1844: Discovery of the IVth Century C.E. Codex Sinaiticus manuscript, dated as circa 330-360 and quickly declared to be the second-oldest Bible ever found.
  • 1868-1881: After being hidden to scholars and the public for many years by the Vatican Library, the IVth Century C.E. Codex Vaticanus B 1029 manuscript was published in full in 6 volumes.

  • Read or listen to the Judeo-Christian Bible online with over 40 contemporary translations available:
    Select translation (four in English, many more languages from Amharic to Yoruba), then select book and chapter.
    40+ online Bibles at Biblica website

    browse books about The Bible {returns 70,000 titles!} at Amazon

    The  Book/s

    Robert the Wise [1276-1343], King of Naples ordered the creation of the illuminated manuscripts known as the "Bible Moralisée of Naples"; they were produced in French from the Latin Vulgate Bible; seven survive today, from 1340 and later. One copy is known as the "Illuminated Naples Bible" and that singular manuscript is preserved nowadays at the French National Library. Another copy is known as "The Anjou Bible" and is recently restored and exhibited at Museum Leuven in Belgium.
    And another copy, produced in Naples around 1360, exists as Codex 1191 in the National Library of Austria.

    The Illuminated Naples Bible (Old Testament) Manuscript book edited by Gabriel Bise   "The Illuminated Naples Bible (Old Testament): 14th-Century Manuscript" [1979]
    Edited by Gabriel Bise, Translated by G. Irvins & D. MacRae, Introduction by Eva Irlich

    About 90 selected miniatures from Codex 1191 in the National Library of Austria, a Bible produced in Naples around 1360.
    Crescent Books hardcover [12/88] out of print/used
    Miller Graphics 11x8¾ hardcover [1979] out of print/used
    Making of Bibles Moralisée books by John Lowden  "The Making of Bibles Moralisée" in 2 Volumes [2000] by John Lowden
    Volume I considers the making and the later history of use of each of the seven surviving manuscripts; Volume II investigates in detail the treatment of one portion of the Bible, the Book of Ruth.
    Volume I: The Manuscripts Penn State Univ Press 11x8½ hardcover [8/2000] out of print/used
    Volume II: The Book of Ruth Penn State Univ Press 11x8½ hardcover [8/2000] for $138.94
    The Anjou Bible book edited by L. Watteeauw & J. Van der Stock  "The Anjou Bible, Naples 1340: A Royal Manuscript Revealed" [2010]
    Edited by L. Watteeauw & J. Van der Stock

    the superbly illuminated manuscript is supplemented with essays in English by noted experts
    Peeters Publrs 12x9 hardcover [12/2010] for $107.00

    "The Illuminated Bible of Naples" Deluxe Art Book [2011]
    by Yves Christe & Marianne Besseyre, Foreword by Manuel Moleiro
    The full-color illustrations are grouped as 128 Old Testament miniatures and 76 New Testament full-page images that follow the style of Giotto’s paintings.
    Manuel Moleiro Editor, SA 13x10 hardcover [8/2011] for $159.39

    "The Gutenberg Bible" [1454] was a Vulgate Bible produced on a printing press

    The first complete printed Hebrew Bible was published without added commentary by the Soncino brothers in 1488, in Soncino, Lombardy, Italy.
    This was then followed by the Naples Hebrew Bible in 1491-1493.

    "The Tyndale Bible" [1526] by William Tyndale [1494-1536]
    English translation based on Greek and Hebrew texts, in addition to Jerome's Latin translation; Tyndale was the first translator to use the printing press;
    the first complete edition of his New Testament was in 1526; he did not complete his Old Testament translation.

    "The Geneva Bible" [1560] is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible into English.

    "La Biblia R.V.A." [Amsterdam 1602], the Reina-Valera Spanish-language Bible
    widely regarded as the Spanish equivalent of the King James Version; still very much the standard for Hispanic non-Catholic Christians.

    the English language Douay-Rheims Bible [NT 1582, OT 1609-10]
    a direct translation from St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate

    King James Bible [1611] entry at Wikipedia
    A survey in 2014 of those in the United States who read the Bible reported that the King James Version was used by 55% of respondents,
    followed by 19% for the New International Version, with other versions each used by fewer than 10%.
    The Story Behind the King James Bible - The KJV Store
    http://www.theKJVstore.com/ Your Source For All Things KJV.

    Standard Text of 1769

    "The Jefferson Bible: The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth" [1820]
    "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth" [1904]
    http://www.angelfire.com/co/JeffersonBible/ online text in English or Spanish or German
    "The Jefferson Bible" [Smithsonian Books 2011] hardcover: ISBN 978-1-58834-312-3

    "Jefferson's Secret Bible" documentary [Smithsonian Channel Feb 2012]

    "La Biblia Torres Amat" [1825]
    Traditionalist Catholics consider this to be the best Spanish translation because it is a direct translation from St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate.

    As the English language modernized itself, the poetical King James Version became less admired. Noah Webster's Common Version of The Holy Bible (a revision of the King James Version) appeared in 1833. The English Revised Version appeared in 1881 and was adapted in the United States as the American Standard Version [1901], followed by the Revised Standard Version [1952], the New American Standard Version [1971], the New Revised Standard Version [1989], and the English Standard Version [2001].

    The Holy Bible in the Common Version book edited by Noah Webster  "The Holy Bible, Containing The Old and New Testaments, In The Common Version, With Amendments of The Language" [Durrie and Peck, 1833] by Noah Webster, Jr. [1758-1843]
    most of the changes were at the 'word' level: spellings, archaic diction, euphemisms
    book entry at Wikipediaauthor entry at Wikipedia
    Kindle Edition from {unbranded} [2010] for $2.99
    Wipf & Stock Publng 10x7 pb [10/2016] for $59.80
    Wipf & Stock Publng 10x7 hardcover [10/2016] for $88.43
    Baker Publng Group hardcover [3/88] for $37.93
    New Testament only: Old English Bibles pb [11/2009] out of print/used
    index for complete online text of the 1833 Webster Bible - with version comparisons

    "The Holy Bible: English Revised Version" appeared in 1881 and was adapted
    in the United States as the American Standard Version [1901].

    "The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version" [1952]

    "La Bibla R.V.A. - Updated Reina Valera Version" Spanish-language Bible [1960]

    "The Holy Bible: New American Standard Version" [1971]

    "Common Bible" of 1973, an ecumenical edition of the Revised Standard Version

    "The Holy Bible: New International Version (N.I.V.)" [1978]
    an English translation first produced & published by the International Bible Society [est. 1809, renamed Biblica in 2009]; the N.I.V. Old Testament was published in 1973,
    the New Testament in 1978; N.I.V. updated in 1984 & 2011. A survey in 2014 found that 55% of U.S. Bible readers used the King James Version; the N.I.V. was
    in second place at around 20%. Publisher Zondervan currently offers many editions, including large print, giant print, study Bibles, student Bibles, and Kindle Editions.
    N.I.V. Bible entry at Wikipedia

    Judeo-Christian Bible New International Version  "The Holy Bible: New International Version (N.I.V.)" [1978]
    from International Bible Society/Biblica

    red-letter Kindle Edition from Zondervan [11/2013] for $6.99
    Kindle Edition from Zondervan [12/2021] for $6.99  12/2021
    Kindle Edition from Zondervan [1/2011] for $7.99

    "Waterproof Bible, N.I.V." [2011]
    Bardin & Marsee Publng 8¾x6 pb [7/2016] for $59.94

    N.I.V. Economy Bible book from Zondervan  
    N.I.V. Thinline Bible box from Zondervan  
    "N.I.V. Economy Bible" [2016]
    Zondervan 8½x5½ pb [9/2016] for $2.99
    "N.I.V. Value Thinline Bible" [2017]
    Zondervan 9x5¾ imitation leather-bound hardcover [11/2017] for $13.28
    "N.I.V. Thinline Bible - Large Print" [2017]
    Black Bonded Leather, Red Letter Edition, Thumb Indexed

    Zondervan 11x8 black leather-bound hardcover [11/2017] for $33.49
    "N.I.V. Thinline Bible - Giant Print" [2017]
    Imitation Leather, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print® typeface is 13-point

    Zondervan 10x7¼ gray/purple imitation leather-bound hardcover [11/2017] for $28.49
    "N.I.V. Thinline Bible - Giant Print" [2017]
    Burgundy Bonded Leather, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print® typeface is 13-point

    Zondervan 10¼x7¼ burgundy leather-bound hardcover [11/2017] for $37.17
    "N.I.V. Thinline Bible - Giant Print" [2017]
    Black Bonded Leather, Red Letter Edition, Thumb Indexed, typeface is 13-point

    Zondervan 10¼x7¼ black leather-bound hardcover [11/2017] for $41.99

    "The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version" [1989]

    "The Holy Bible: English Standard Version" [2001]

    "The Beginner’s Bible®" [brand est. 2005]
    Zondervan Christian Publishing [est. 1931] is an international Christian media and publishing company located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. News Corp. owns
    HarperCollins which purchased Zondervan in 1988. The Zonderkidz imprint publishes the "Beginner’s Bible®" library [est. 2005], which now consists of 32 books.

    The Beginner's Bible book from Zonderkidz  "The Beginner's Bible®: Timeless Children's Stories" [ages 0-4, 2016] from Zonderkidz
    90 stories from the Bible in 512 pages; illustrated by Kelly Pulley; publisher says that this is
    'the bestselling storybook Bible of all time'

    Kindle Edition from Zonderkidz [10/2016] for $7.99
    Zonderkidz 7¾x6¾ hardcover [10/2016] for $7.67
    Spanish-language Kindle Edition from Vida [10/2016] for $4.99
    Spanish-language Vida 7¾x6¾ hardcover [10/2016] for $13.79
    The Beginner's Bible Complete Video Series from Zonderkidz  "The Beginner's Bible Complete Video Series" [Zonderkidz 2019]
    Money-grubbing News Corp./Zonderkidz created a real rip-off here; there are 94 video stories on Amazon Instant Video at 99¢ each - but length of each HD video is ONLY TWO MINUTES OR LESS!; purchase & download of the entire 94 videos is $46.99, which is still 50¢ each
    not listed at IMDb • Amazon Instant Video [12/2019] HD purchase $46.99
    Beginner’s Bible® library in Kindle format from Zonderkidz  "Beginner’s Bible®" library [est. 2005] for Kindle - which now consists of 32 books
    Kindle Edition 32-ebook bundle from Zonderkidz [2009-2021] for $123.75

    La Biblia Para Principiantes (The Bible For Beginners) book from Zondervan  "La Biblia Para Principiantes (The Bible For Beginners): Historias Bíblicas Para Niños"
    [2016] by Zondervan & Kelly Pulley
    • Editor-in-Chief Graciella Leffi, Translation by Marcela Robaina, Adaptation of the Design by Mauricio Díaz
    Spanish-language Kindle Edition from Vida [10/2016] for $4.99
    Spanish-language Vida 7¾x6½ hardcover [10/2016] for $13.79

    Historias de La Biblia Ilustradas book from Parragon Books  "Historias de La Biblia Ilustradas (Illustrated Bible Stories)" [ages 7-9 years; 2007]
    from Parragon Books

    over 200 stories in 256 pages
    Spanish-language Parragon Books 8½x6¾ hardcover [2/2007] out of print/used
    La Biblia ilustrada para niños book from Todolibro  "La Biblia Ilustrada Para Niños (The Illustrated Bible For Children)"
    [6 years & up; 2010] from Equipo Todolibro

    Spanish-language Todolibro 7¼x6 hardcover [9/2010] for $27.84
    WARNING: the LEGO work is deft but biased, and Amazon reviewers complain that atheist author delivers a sadistic anti-Xian message  
    The Brick Bible Complete Set by Brendan Powell Smith  
    "The Brick Bible: The Complete Set" [2013] by Brendan Powell Smith
    "The Scriptures in LEGO from Genesis to Revelation" • WARNING: the LEGO work is deft but biased, and Amazon reviewers complain that atheist author delivers a sadistic anti-Xian message
    really confusing!: official websites by Elbe Spurling, books by Brendan Powell Smith
    Skyhorse Publng 11x8½ slipcover hardcover set [10/2013] for $29.95
    "The Brick Bible: A New Spin On The Old Testament" [2011] by Brendan Powell Smith
    stories from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings & Chronicles
    Kindle Edition from Skyhorse Publng [10/2011] for $13.99
    Skyhorse Publng 11x8½ pb [10/2011] for $7.40
    Skyhorse Publng 11x8½ hardcover [10/2011] for $39.21
    "The Brick Bible: The New Testament - A New Spin On The Story of Jesus" [2012]
    by Brendan Powell Smith

    stories from The Gospels, Acts of The Apostles, and Revelation
    Kindle Edition from Skyhorse Publng [10/2012] for $13.99
    Skyhorse Publng 11x8½ pb [10/2012] for $19.95
    Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado Holman book from B&H Español  
    "Diccionario Bíblico Ilustrado Holman (Illustrated Bible Dictionary)"
    [orig 1995, rev 2014] from Broadman & Holman Publrs

    Spanish-language Kindle Edition from B&H Español [5/2014] for $12.59
    Spanish-language B&H Español 9¾x7 hardcover [10/2017] for $21.49
    Spanish-language B&H Español 9¾x7 hardcover [5/2014] out of print/used
    The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible book by Janice Emmerson  "The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible" [ages 5-8; 2014]
    Written by Janice Emmerson, Illustrated by Netscibes

    nearly 300 beautiful two-page illustrations in 600 pages
    Harvest House Publrs 8x6¼ hardcover [7/2014] for $16.49
    Saizo library hardcover [6/2020] for $24.99
    Spanish-language La Biblia Ilustrada R.V.A.  "La Biblia Ilustrada R.V.A." [2015]
    based on the Updated Reina-Valera Version of 1960

    Spanish-language Editorial Mundo Hispano / Casa Bautista hardcover [10/2016] for $29.99
    Complete Brick Bible for Kids book by Brendan Powell Smith  "The Complete Brick Bible for Kids: Six Classic Bible Stories" [ages 3-5; 2015]
    by Brendan Powell Smith

    the six stories are: Noah and his ark, David against Goliath, Daniel and the lions, Joseph and the Pharaoh, Jonah and the whale, The Nativity of JesusWARNING: the LEGO work is deft but biased, and Amazon reviewers complain that atheist author delivers a sadistic anti-Xian message
    Kindle Edition from Sky Pony [10/2015] for $9.99
    Sky Pony 9x9 slipcover pb set [9/2015] for $13.24
    Sky Pony 9x9 hardcover [10/2015] for $9.49
    Mi primera Biblia ilustrada / My First Bible book by Sophie Piper & Emily Bolam  
    "Mi Primera Biblia Ilustrada (My First Illustrated Bible)" [ages 2-5 years; 2018]
    Told by Sophie Piper, Illustrated by Emily Bolam

    Origen Kids 9¼x8¾ hardcover [8/2018] for $15.95

    Works  About  The  Bible
    Books above are editions of the Bible and stories adapted from the Bible; scholarly works and opinion works about the Bible are on Page 2.

    Kindle  Editions
    Nordell Bookstores Group Kindle Hardware & Content Page
    with FREE Kindle Apps for PC, Mac, iPhone/iPod, iPad, Android & BlackBerry

    Launched July 2014: Enjoy unlimited access to over 600,000 Kindle Edition titles and thousands of audiobooks on any device for just $9.99 a month — Or start your 30-day free trial!

    Holy Bible King James Version in Kindle format  "The Holy Bible: King James Version" for Kindle [1611]
    Kindle Edition from Green World Classics [2017] for $1.99
    Kindle Edition from Green World Classics [11/2021] for $2.99
    "The Holy Bible: King James Version - New Testament
    Red Letter Edition" for Kindle [Pure Cambridge 1611]

    Kindle Edition from {unknown} [11/2021] for 99¢
    "The Holy Bible: Illustrated King James Version" [2017]
    Kindle Edition from Prabhat Prakashan [1/2017] for $2.00

    The Holy Bible Webster's Common Version in Kindle format  "The Holy Bible: Containing The Old and New Testaments, In The Common Version - With Amendments of The language" for Kindle [Durrie & Peck, 1833]
    Edited by Noah Webster, Jr. [1758-1843]

    Lexicographer Webster replaced certain words in the King James Version with more-modern terms
    Kindle Edition from {unknown} [2017] for $2.99
    Holy Bible American Standard Version in Kindle format  "The Holy Bible: American Standard Version" for Kindle [Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1901]
    Kindle Edition from {unknown} [11/2021] for $1.99
    Kindle Edition from {unknown} [10/2021] for $2.99

    Movies  and  Television
    'list of films based on the Bible' entry at Wikipedia
    browse movies & TV in the Faith & Spirituality Store {returns 800+ titles} at Amazon

    The Bible According to Hollywood docufilm  "The Bible According To Hollywood" [video release 1995 & 2004]
    2-hour documentary of clips from silent and sound, color and b&w films on Biblical subjects; co-written & directed by Phillip Dye; narrated by John MacElwayne; featuring Cecil B. DeMille, Charlton Heston, Virginia Mayo & Peter Ustinov
    Passport color/b&w DVD [4/2004] out of prodn/used
    Passport/Navarre Corp. color/b&w VHS [1/95] for $7.50
    full credits at IMDb
    Christians in the Movies book by Peter E. Dans  "Christians in the Movies: A Century of Saints and Sinners" [2009]
    by Peter E. Dans, Foreword by Joseph Bottum

    Explores cultural changes regarding religious motion pictures and such causative factors as the abolition of the Hays Motion Picture Production Code and the demise of the Catholic Legion of Decency through in-depth reviews & commentaries on 100 important films, as well as briefer discussions of about 75 additional Christian-themed films
    Rowman & Littlefield Publrs 9x6 pb [5/2011] for $38.00
    Rowman & Littlefield Publrs 9½x6½ hardcover [6/2009] for $32.00

    Of course, this section got really big really soon, and so was cut to its own page in December 2021.

    The Judeo-Christian Bible Film & TV Festival Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
    top of page'Movies & TV About The Bible' Dept.'Movies & TV About Jesus' Dept.

    Image  Gallery

    cartoon of the Three Wiser Women         

    L i n k s
    browse books about The Bible {returns 70,000 titles!} at Amazon
    Books To Ponder: Science, Religion & Evolution on Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore
    Bible Hub Online search and study tools website [est. 2004] has many etexts online   they are on Facebook
    Bible Hub downloads website [est. 2011]

    The Gideons International [est. 1899]
    known for distributing free New Testaments or full Bibles, especially for their distribution to schools, prisons & jails, and hotels & motels

    American Bible Society [est. 1816]

    here on The Judeo-Christian Bible Pages at Spirit of America Bookstore

    on Page 1: top of pagestructure & historythe book/sKindle Editionsimage gallerylinks

    on Page 2: top of pageOld TestamentApocryphaNew Testamentworks about the Bible

    on Page 3: top of pagebooks about Jesusstageplays, other media

    The Judeo-Christian Bible Film & TV Festival Page at Spirit of America Bookstore
    top of pageMovies & TV About The BibleMovies & TV About Jesus

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    Visiting this webpage from outside the U.S.A.? It is possible to make purchases from these coded Amazon (USA) links
    via other Amazon sites: just follow these instructions.

    Online sales in association with  browse books about The Bible {returns 70,000 titles!} at Amazon

    Freedom to Explore: Launched July 2014: Enjoy unlimited access to over 600,000 Kindle Edition titles and thousands of audiobooks on any device for just $9.99 a month — Or start your 30-day free trial!

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