Spirit of America Bookstore

Emperor  Donald  J.  Trump
U.S. President/Emperor #45, 2017-2021

Republican Donald Trump is a fascist and a multiple bankrupt and a racist and a crook and a sexist pig;
the really sad part is that Trump was the best that the Republican Party could come up with to run for President of the U.S.A.
And then a large number of racist, xenophobic, reality-averse dimwits elected the man President!

If Donald Trump was a legitimate official under the U.S. Constitution, the original real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump Page would include
his term as President. But things as they are require a split: this second page is for Emperor Trump and his fascist administration.

'Calm Down and Obey Emperor Trump' poster                   short profile

the Trump Cabinet

a few important dates { latest events }

the RussiaGate scandal

recent writings & speeches

works about Emperor Trump

plays, movies & TV, other media

image gallery

family & friends


                  painting of a marble bust of Emperor Trump by Tim O'Brien     

Trump is not the first loony to be Emperor of The United States: there also was
Emperor Norton I [1818-80] whose reign in San Francisco lasted for twenty years.

“Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy. He is unfit for the presidency and cannot be endorsed.
A Trump presidency would be dangerous for the nation and the world.” — Washington Post Editorial Board, 22 July 2016

“Donald Trump won, America lost.” — G.E. Nordell

“Trump [is] a fascist. Not in the sense of an all-purpose bad guy, but in the sense of somebody who sincerely believes that the toxic combination
of strong government and strong corporations should run the nation and the world.” — columnist Michael Kinsley, Dec 2016

“He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his reason is weak.” — essayist Michel De Montaigne [1533-92]

“When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant.” — Thomas Jefferson [1743-1826]

“We made our mistakes back in the XXth century, Lord knows, but we never nominated a man for president who brags about not reading . . . When I envision
a Trump Presidential Library, I see enormous chandeliers and gold carpet and a thousand slot machines. God help us. I mean it. We’re in trouble down here.”
— author & radio personality Garrison Keillor

“So the people have spoken, giving the finger to the Washington Consensus and electing an admitted sexual predator and proven prevaricator
so lacking in impulse control that he spent the early morning hours of one day cyberbullying a beauty pageant contestant he had once
humiliated in person. Strike up 'Hail To The Chief'.”   — journalist Lou Dubose

“Insulting people is one of the few things for which Trump possesses a genuine talent.” — John Cassidy, columnist at New Yorker Magazine

“[President Trump] is morally oblivious. He is, by an order of magnitude, the most amoral creature to ever occupy the White House.”
— Lawrence O'Donnell

“Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it.”
— Joseph Goebbels [1897-1945], Nazi Propaganda Minister, 1933-45

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” ~~ Socrates [470?-399 B.C.E.]

“Trump is a stupid man’s idea of a smart person, a poor man’s idea of a rich person, and a weak man’s idea
of a strong man.” ~~ Fran Lebowitz

“No. I don’t take responsibility at all.” ~~ Donald J. Trump, March 2020

“[Trump's] dishonesty has no limits.” ~~ John O. Brennan, former head of the C.I.A. - in April 2020

“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” ~~ Turkish proverb

Days Until Emperor Trump Leaves Office . . .

          the first Trump-for-President trial balloon in 1987
          numbskull Donald Trump ran as Reform Party candidate in 1999, but never expanded the campaign beyond the exploratory phase
          numbskull Donald Trump almost ran again in 2011 for the 2012 race. (The domain www.impeachTrump.com was registered in January 2011;
the minimum bid for auction in 2017 was $10,000.)
          listed among the Top Thirty Dirtbags of the One Percent in 2011

Donald Trump entry at Wikipedia
'Trump Family & Businesses' template at Wikipedia
browse Amazon's Donald J. Trump Store
search DVDs on keyword 'trump' {returns 300+ items} at Amazon
official Donald Trump campaign Facebook page
Donald J. Trump, Sr. credits [since 1981] at Internet Movie Database

Business  History
The entries & links concerning Donald Trump's businesses remain on the original Donald J. Trump Page.

Emperor Trump's  Cabinet
and Other Appointments

What with all the resignations and firings and re-appointments, this section grew large enough to justify its own page, so the detail - cabinet-level
& other appointments, White House personnel, Trump's legal team - was cut in June 2018. Here below are the current Cabinet members.

listing of Emperor Trump's Cabinet at Wikipedia

Secretary of Agriculture
ex-Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia {{CONFIRMED 4/2017}}

Attorney General and the Department of Justice
William Barr, nominated 12/2018
acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker {{PROMOTED 11/2018}}
former U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama {{CONFIRMED 2/2017; RESIGNED 11/2018}}

Secretary of Commerce
'bankruptcy king' Wall Street billionaire Wilbur Ross of New Jersey & Florida {{CONFIRMED 2/2017}}

Secretary of Defense
retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis {{CONFIRMED 1/2017}}

Secretary of Education
billionaire and anti-public schools lobbyist Betsy Prince DeVos of Michigan {{CONFIRMED 2/2017}}
sister of Erik Prince, founder of the Blackwater Xe mercenary service

Secretary of Energy
former Governor Rick Perry of Texas {{CONFIRMED 3/2017}}

Secretary of Health & Human Services
former Big Pharma lobbyist Alex Azar {{CONFIRMED 1/2018}}
former Congressman Tom Price of Georgia {{CONFIRMED 2/2017 > RESIGNED 9/2017}}

Secretary of Homeland Security
former White House staffer Kirstjen Nielsen {{CONFIRMED 12/2017}}
retired Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly of Massachusetts was {{CONFIRMED 1/2017 > White House 7/2017}}

Secretary of Housing & Urban Development
loose cannon Dr. Ben Carson of Florida {{CONFIRMED 3/2017}}

Secretary of the Interior
Congressman Ryan Zinke of Montana {{CONFIRMED 3/2017}}

Secretary of Labor
attorney Alex Acosta {{CONFIRMED 4/2017}}
nominee fast food CEO Andrew Puzder of Tennessee {{WITHDRAWN 2/2017}}

Secretary of State
former C.I.A. Director Mike Pompeo {{CONFIRMED 4/2018}}
oil company executive Rex Tillerson of Texas {{CONFIRMED 1/2017 > FIRED 3/2018}}

Secretary of Transportation
Elaine Chao of Kentucky (who is married to Sen. Mitch McConnell) {{CONFIRMED 1/2017}}

Secretary of the Treasury
'foreclosure king' Steven Mnuchin of California {{CONFIRMED 2/2017}}

Secretary of Veterans Affairs
David Shulkin of Pennsylvania, promoted from Under Secretary for Health at the V.A. {{CONFIRMED 1/2017 > FIRED 3/2018}}
Robert Wilkie, who has been serving as interim secretary since March, was officially nominated on 17 May 2018 to be Secretary.
Peter O'Rourke was appointed interim secretary in May 2018

Central Intelligence Agency
career C.I.A. official Gina Haspel {{CONFIRMED 5/2018}}
Congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas {{CONFIRMED 1/2017; became Secretary of State 4/2018}}

Council of Economic Advisors aka 'Strategic and Policy Forum' [est. 1946]
removed from Cabinet-level status by Trump 2/2017; academic Kevin Hassett was appointed Chairman 9/2017

Environmental Protection Agency [indep est. 12/1970]
official websiteentry at Wikipedia
coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, Director {{CONFIRMED 2/2019}}

Federal Bureau of Investigation
F.B.I. Director Christopher A. Wray {{CONFIRMED 8/2017}}

former F.B.I. Director James Brien Comey, Jr. {{9/2013 > FIRED 5/2017}}

Higher Loyalty, Truth, Lies, & Leadership book by James Comey  "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership" [April 2018] by James B. Comey
After a weekend tweet-storm by Trump attacking the integrity of Comey and the book,
it went from #15 to #1 bestseller status on Amazon - a month before its publication.

Kindle Edition from Flatiron Books/Macmillan [4/2018] for $14.99
Flatiron Books 9¼x6 hardcover [4/2018] for $20.48
Macmillan Audio UNABR audio CD [4/2018] for $39.99

Securities & Exchange Commission
Wall Street lawyer Commissioner Jay Clayton - surely classic 'fox in charge of the henhouse' {{CONFIRMED 5/2017}}

White House Chief of Staff
retired Marine Corps Gen. John F. Kelly of Massachusetts {{APPOINTED 7/2017}}
R.N.C. Chairman Reince Priebus of Wisconsin {{APPOINTED 11/2016 > RESIGNED 7/2017}}

White House National Security Advisor
warmonger John R. Bolton {{APPOINTED 4/2018}}
active Army LtGen H.R. McMaster {{APPOINTED 2/2017 > RESIGNED/RETIRED 4/2018}}
retired Army LtGen Mike Flynn {{APPOINTED 1/2017 > RESIGNED 2/2018}}

White House Senior Policy Advisor
political activist Stephen Miller {{APPOINTED 1/2017}}
Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner {{APPOINTED 1/2017}}

Spirit of America Bookstore's Emperor Trump's Cabinet Page

A  Few  Important  Dates

  • 2006 July: Donald Trump participated in the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship at Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course at Lake Tahoe, Nevada and also had 'sexual encounters' with porn star Stormy Daniels. (Trump's personal lawyer paid her $130,000 in hush money during the 2016 presidential campaign.)
    click to see official photo of Donald & Stormy at Lake Tahoe in 2006
  • 2011 Jan: Planning ahead, somebody registered the www.impeachTrump.com internet domain, which after the election was being auctioned for $10,000 or more with a deadline of April 2017.

  • Late 2015: Eight months before the National Enquirer paid $150,000 hush money to a former Playboy Play-mate who claimed that she’d had an affair with Donald Trump, the tabloid’s parent company made a $30,000 payment to a less famous individual, onetime Trump World Tower doorman Dino Sajudin, who offered an embarrassing story about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump; the tabloid never ran the story. A spokesperson for the Trump Organization denied the story told to the tabloid – that Trump fathered a child with another woman while he was married – and that top executives of the Trump Organization, including longtime security chief Matt Calamari, knew all about it.

  • 2016 July: Trump won the Republican Party nomination and chose Indiana Governor Mike Pence for VP.
  • 2016 August: Donald Trump, Jr. met in Trump Tower with an emissary of two Saudi princes offering help in winning the presidential election; the meeting was arranged by Erik Prince (of Blackwater). Trump Jr. said later that the meeting happened, but that he rejected the offers.
  • 2016 October: A shell corporation was set up to pay $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to deny having sexual encounters with married Donald Trump (she denies that it was 'an affair'); The Wall Street Journal and other news media revealed the documentary evidence in January 2018; the paperwork uses pseudonyms, except Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen used his real name.
  • 2016 Nov 2: The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan [est. 1946] officially endorsed Donald J. Trump and his 'Make America Great Again' slogan on the front page of their Crusader newspaper.
  • 2016 Nov 8: Trump won the national election with 304 electors to 227, but lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million.
  • 2017 Jan 20: Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as U.S. President/Emperor #45 in Washington, DC.
    jump to Second Year • • jump to Third Year

    2017 First Day
  • Trump is ignoring the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 1, Section 9), which prohibits all government officials - including the President - from taking gifts or money from a foreign government; Trump is also ignoring the Domestic Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 2, Section 1), which prohibits officers of the Executive Branch - including the President - from taking gifts or money from any federal government agency or agency of any of the states. Thus, Emperor Trump was immediately in violation of his Oath of Office, and lawsuits were filed and petitions begun. The A.C.L.U. filed an F.O.I.A. request to see Trump's tax returns so they can determine any conflicts of interest.
  • Several political organizations launched the Impeach Donald Trump Now petition website, also based on immediate violations of Trump's Oath of Office.
  • Immediately after his inauguration, Donald Trump's White House staff deleted the civil rights, LGBTQ, and climate change sections of the White House website.

    2017 First Week - January 20-28
  • Emperor Trump signed a series of executive orders that: withdraws the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partner-ship, a move seen as a win for China (but Beijing isn’t celebrating); reverses abortion-related U.S. policy by banning funds to international health groups; and gives a green light to both Dakota Access and Keystone XL oil pipelines (Trump owns stock in the company that is building both projects).
  • The E.P.A. announced plans to remove the climate change page from its website, based on instructions from the White House; but the resulting public outcry forced cancellation of that plan.
  • The Trump administration ordered the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to cancel sponsorship of a summit to be held on climate change and health, but climate activist and former vice president Al Gore, Jr. is teaming up with the American Public Health Assn. and other organizations to make the event happen.
  • The Trump administration pulled the plug on all Obamacare outreach and advertising in the crucial final days of the 2017 enrollment season. Even ads that were already placed and paid for were pulled.

    2017 Second Week - January 29 to February 4
  • The U.S.D.A. website abruptly purged its animal welfare information; the records, which up to then had been freely available, were used to monitor animal treatment at circuses, scientific labs, breeding facilities, and zoos.
  • Following White House advisor Kellyanne Conway's insistence that 'alternative facts' were a real thing, sales of George Orwell's 1949 novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" shot up, becoming an international best-seller on Amazon.
  • 2017 Feb 1: Widely-circulatecd draft of a document entitled "Establishing a Government-Wide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom" was leaked to The Nation Magazine and other investigators. One of many such drafts, all of which seek to make discrimination against minorities legal based on any religious or corporate belief.

    2017 Third Week - February 4-11
  • 2017 Feb 8: The attempt by Sen. Elizabeth Warren to read an anti-Sessions letter by Coretta Scott King from long ago was blocked (but read into the record by Sen. Udall & others); the Senate confirmed Sessions as Attorney General later that day with a standard vote of 52-47.
  • 2017 Feb 9: A three-judge panel at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a nationwide injunction against Trump’s Immigration Order.
  • 2017 Feb 9: The Senate confirmed Congressman Tom Price of Georgia for Secretary of Health & Human Services by a standard vote of 52-47.

    2017 Fourth Week - February 12-18
  • 2017 Feb 13: Wall Street veteran Steven Mnuchin of California was confirmed in the Senate as Secretary of The Treasury by a standard vote of 53-47.
  • After more reports of anti-labor behaviour, failure to pay taxes for household employees, and of domestic abuse in the 1990s, Andrew Puzder withdrew from his nomination as Secretary of Labor.

    2017 Fifth Week - February 19-25

    2017 Sixth Week - February 26-March 4
  • 2017 Feb 28: Trump spoke to joint session of Congress, with 60 million viewers; Trump was praised by pundits for reading the teleprompter and seldom going off-script.
  • 2017 March 2: Texan Rick Perry was confirmed in the Senate as Secretary of Energy (vote 62-37) and Dr. Ben Carson was confirmed as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (vote 58-41).

    2017 Seventh Week - March 5-11

    2017 Third Month - April
  • 2017 Spring: After Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat met with Jared Kushner at the White House, reportedly discussing financial and trade policy, Citigroup loaned $325 million to the Kushner Companies family business.

    2017 Fourth Month - May
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an investigation into Kushner Companies, the real estate empire belonging to the family of Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser. The probe focuses on the company's use of the EB-5 visa program and was unknown until reported by The Wall Street Journal in January 2018.
  • 2017 May 9: The Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili of Russian Georgia visited Emperor Trump in the Oval office; in absolute violation of the Emoluments Clause and of his oath of office, Donald lobbied this foreign agent for help with a pending hotel deal! (Revealed to Forbes Magazine by two former Trump business associates in February 2018.)

    2017 Fifth Month - June
  • 2017 June 23: The New York Times published a full list of 'Trump's Lies' in office {so far} as compiled by David Leonhardt & Stuart A. Thompson
  • 2017 July 12: Congressman Brad Sherman [Dem-CA30] introduced House Resolution 438, Articles of Impeachment of Donald J. Trump for Obstruction of Justice.
  • 2017 Aug 30: Emperor Trump's campaign visit to Harvey-ravaged Texas was to Corpus Christi - 30 miles away - because Houston was flooded.
  • 2017 Sept 29: Former Georgia Congressman Tom Price resigned as Emperor Trump's Secretary of Health & Human Services because he was caught using more than $1M in department funds to charter private jets for personal travel over routes with readily available commercial transport at much lower cost.

    2017 Sixth Month - July
  • 2017 July 12: Congressman Brad Sherman [Dem-CA30] introduced House Resolution 438, Articles of Impeachment of Donald John Trump for Obstruction of Justice; the bill has been stuck in the House Judiciary Committee since that time.

    2017 Ninth Month - October
  • 2017 Oct 15: Hustler Magazine and publisher Larry Flynt placed a full-page ad in the Sunday edition of The Washington Post newspaper offering up to $10 million for 'dirt that could impeach Trump'.

    2017 Tenth Month - November
  • 2017 Nov 3-14: President Trump visited Asia over 12 days, stopping first at Hawai'i, then to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
  • 2017 Nov: After Apollo Global Management founder Joshua Harris met with Jared Kushner at the White House, reportedly discussing infrastructure policy and a possible job for Harris in the administration, Apollo loaned $184 million to the Kushner Companies family business, an amount three times the size of their usual loan.

    First Year Summary January 2017 to January 2018
    Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump’s First Year book by Amy Siskind  "The List: A Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump’s First Year" [2018]
    by Amy Siskind

    Kindle Edition from Bloomsbury [3/2018] for $16.99
    Bloomsbury hardcover [3/2018] for $28.00
    12th Month - January 2018
  • 2018 January: Emperor Trump's lawyers issued an un-Constitutional 'cease and desist' letter against a book by journalist Michael Wolff with reporting on six months of direct access to the internal mess that is the Trump White House. The media frenzy created 'unprecedented demand', so the publisher moved the publication date from Tuesday January 9 to Friday January 5 - making the lawyers's letter entirely moot and the book an immediate Amazon bestseller.
  • 2018 Jan 30: Emperor Trump's first State of The Union address, before Congress and on live television (the usual blah-blah-blah). He tweeted next day that his audience of 45.6 million people was the highest number in history. Not true: his own address to a joint session of Congress in 2017 had 48 million viewers, Barack Obama's joint session speech in 2009 drew 52 million viewers, George W. Bush's State of the Union address in 2003 drew 62 million viewers, and Bill Clinton's joint session speech in 1993 drew 67 million viewers.

    13th Month - February 2018
  • 2018 Feb 2: The House Intelligence Committee, which is chaired by Republican Cong. Devin Nunes, released a four-page 'spin' memo alleging surveillance abuses by the F.B.I.   { full text of the Nunes 'spin' memo }
  • 2018 Feb 2: The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index closed at $25,520.96, down 665.75 points (2.54%), the S&P 500 fell 2.12 percent, and the NASDAQ 5-day loss was 3.53% – making this the worst week for market measures in two years.
  • 2018 Feb 5: Another really bad market day: The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index closed at $24,345.75, down 1,175.21 points (4.60%!), the S&P 500 Index closed at $2,648.94 - a loss of $113.19 (4.10%), and the NASDAQ Composite Index fell 273.42 points (3.78%) to close at $6,967.53.

    "If the Dow Joans ever falls more than 1,000 'points' in a Single Day the sitting president should be loaded
    into a very big cannon and Shot into the sun at TREMENDOUS SPEED! No Excuses!" {sic}
    — tweet from {hash} realDonaldTrump on 29 February 2015

  • 2018 Feb 8: Still another really bad market day: The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index closed at $23,860.46, down 1,032.89 points (4.15%!), the S&P 500 Index closed at $2,581.00 - a loss of $100.66 (3.75%), and the NASDAQ Composite Index fell 274.82 points (3.90%) to close at $6,777.16. Global stocks followed, sinking on Friday. The losses left the S&P 10 percent below its January high, the official threshold of a market correction.
  • 2018 Feb 21: Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team filed new sealed criminal charges against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates; the new charges involving bank and tax fraud boosted the total from 17 to 58.
  • 2018 Feb 22: Amnesty International officially declared Donald Trump a human rights violator.

    14th Month - March 2018
  • Friday 2018 March 16: Facebook banned Cambridge Analytica, a firm that ran data operations for President Trump's 2016 campaign; Facebook also banned parent company Kogan.
  • Late 2018 March 16: Emperor Trump fired F.B.I. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe - by tweet! - just two days before his pension date.
  • 2018 Monday March 19: Facebook's stock fell by 7.1 percent as CEO Mark Zuckerberg faced calls from U.S. and European leaders to explain how a data firm linked to President Trump's campaign (Cambridge Analytica) got access to information on 50 million Facebook users. Facebook shares finished the day down 13 percent from a record high reached in February Zuckerberg is said to have lost $6B (virtual money) on that single day.
  • 2018 Tuesday March 20: Cambridge Analytica suspended CEO Alexander Nix pending a full investigation into the undercover video that was broadcast by Britain's Channel 4 News in which Nix appeared to boast of the data firm's success in influencing elections in foreign countries.

    15th Month - April 2018
  • 2018 April 9: F.B.I. agents raided the office, home, and hotel room of Trump's longtime personal attorney Michael D. Cohen; the material seized included documents related to Cohen's $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels; Cohen reportedly is being investigated for bank and wire fraud, and for campaign finance violations.

    16th Month - May 2018
  • 2018 May 3: Data-mining firm Cambridge Analytica shut down all operations because it had lost many customers; the company said that it did nothing wrong, blaming a 'siege of media coverage'.

    17th Month - June 2018
  • 2018 June 7: James A. Wolfe, the Senate Intelligence Committee's former director of security, was arrested on charges that he lied to the F.B.I. about his contacts with three reporters. In an inquiry into leaks of classified information, the Department of Justice notified New York Times reporter Ali Watkins in February that it had seized her phone & email records, going back several years; The Times said that the seizure might have been related to her report for BuzzFeed News about attempts by Russian spies to recruit Carter Page in 2013 before he worked as a foreign policy adviser for President Trump's campaign. Watkins and Wolfe once had a personal relationship.
  • 2018 June 14: The New York State Attorney General’s office filed a scathingly-worded lawsuit taking aim at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, accusing the charity and the Trump family of sweeping violations of campaign finance laws, self-dealing, and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign.
  • 2018 June 19: The Trump administration withdrew the U.S. from the United Nations Human Rights Council, accusing the organization of anti-Israel bias and 'making a mockery of human rights' and calling the Council 'a protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias'.

    18th Month - July 2018
  • 2018 July 13: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced criminal charges from the Mueller investi-gation against 12 named Russian intelligence officers in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign during 2016.
               Count 1 charges 11 defendents with conspiring to access computers without authorization;
    counts 2-9 charge those 11 defendents with aggravated identity theft . . . in order to commit computer fraud;
    count 10 charges those 11 defendents with money laudering & transferring crypto-currencies . . . in furtherance of their hacking activities while trying to conceal their connections to Russia;
    count 11 charges two defendents for a separate conspiracy to access computers without authorization and to damage those computers; the 12th count seeks forfeiture of property involved in the criminal activity.

    22nd Month - November 2018
  • 2018 Nov 28: article "Farm Bankruptcies Have Now Surpassed Great Recession Levels" by Anthony Anderson

    23rd Month - December 2018
  • 2018 Dec 22: Trump Shutdown #3 began at Midnight on the morning of Saturday after the Senate adjourned Friday without passing a stopgap funding measure that Trump would sign; closures to unfunded departments include Homeland Security, Transportation, Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, Housing & Urban Development, and Justice – as well as some independent agencies like N.A.S.A. and the I.R.S.

    Second Year Summary January 2018 to January 2019

    24th Month - January 2019
  • 2019 Jan 7: Kim Campbell, who was Canada’s Prime Minister in 1993, added to the Twitterverse 'foul language' controversy by posting that “[Trump] really IS a motherf**ker”.
  • 2019 Jan 21: President Trump made 8,158 false or misleading claims in his first two years in office - in Year One, he averaged 5.9 lies per day; in Year Two, that nearly tripled to 16.5 lies per day. ~~ per The Washington Post
  • 2019 Jan 31: After years of Donald denying business dealings in Russia, somebody 'leaked' video of Himself meeting with Vladimir Resin, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, in December 1995 concerning a shopping mall construction project; the half-minute news clip is in Russian, and the video clearly shows Donald seated directly across from the Deputy Mayor. Watch the nice February 7th commentary video on the David Pakman Show podcast [5:46].

    25th Month - February 2019
  • 2019 Feb 5: Buzzfeed posted more than 200 pages of communications between Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and America-based former Russian mobster Felix Sater, clearly showing the conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
  • 2019 Feb 5: Emperor Trump's bogus State of The Union Address was delivered before a joint session of Congress; it attracted 46.8 million viewers on 7 channels; the official Democratic Party response from Stacey Abrams also drew substantial viewership with 14.4 million watching on Fox, MSNBC, and CNN {incomplete best numbers 2/9}.

    28th Month - May 2019
  • 2019 May 6: Michael D. Cohen, President Trump's former lawyer and fixer, reported to a Federal country club-style prison in upstate Otisville, New York to begin serving a 3-year prison sentence for crimes that included campaign finance violations related to hush-money payments he made on Trump's behalf.

    30th Month - July 2019
  • 2019 July 4: Emperor Trump's Military Parade in Washington, DC was originally scheduled for Veterans Day in November 2018; veterans groups organized a protest in Washington, DC that same day by millions of unhappy veterans - hashtag-1MillionVeteransMarch; the Pentagon got wind of the veterans' protest and moved the parade to Saturday the 10th, which is an anniversary of the Marine Corps, so the veterans groups did likewise; in August 2018, the Pentagon raised the parade cost estimate to $92M and also postponed the event into 2019. In March 2019, Trump announced that his big vanity tribute parade 'Salute To America' would be held on July Fourth.
    KKK/Ku Klux Klan marchers in Washington, DC in 1927 - or is it 2019?
  • 2019 July 10: After the rain-drenched 'Salute To America' events, D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser wrote to President Trump that expenses related to security at his parade had exhausted the Emergency Planning and Security Fund and that the White House owed $1.7 million for its security costs; the White House still owes $7.3 million for security costs related to Trump’s 2017 presidential inauguration.
  • 2019 July 11: The House Judiciary Committee voted 21 to 12 to subpoena twelve people for documents and testimony for their investigation into the results of the Mueller Report. Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler [Dem-NY] will make the final decision about issuing the subpoenas, which can be avoided if witnesses and the administration cooperate voluntarily. Listed persons include the president’s son-in-law & adviser Jared Kushner, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former White House chief of staff John Kelly, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Sessions’ former chief of staff Jody Hunt, former White House aides Rob Porter and Rick Dearborn, and three people connected to the National Enquirer’s efforts to stifle potentially-embarrassing stories about Trump, a practice known as 'catch-and-kill': longtime Trump ally David Pecker, TV executive Dylan Howard, and attorney Keith Davidson.
  • 2019 July 25: Trump's phone call with the President of Ukraine, along with many witnesses, wherein Trump asked for help in finding dirt on campaign opponent Joe Biden and committing extortion by refusing military aid funds approved by Congress; the coverup so far includes crimes of obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, and 'campaign contribution' bribery of House members.

    32nd Month - September 2019
  • 2019 Sept 24: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi conferred with fellow members of Congress and then announced that the Democrats will proceed with formal impeachment hearings, likely to involve the recent Trump/Ukraine telephone call revelations as well as the contents of the Mueller Report.
    watch Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announcing the official impeachment inquiry [1:16] on YouTube

    33rd Month - October 2019
  • 2019 Oct 31: The U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution formally authorizing and articulating guidelines for the next phase of its impeachment inquiry, slyly agreeing to Republican demands for transparency: their bogus excuse is now removed, and the Republicans will have to obey Congressional subpoenas. The vote was 232 to 196.

    34th Month - November 2019
  • 2019 Nov 2: Donald Trump and entourage attended the Ultimate Fighting Championship #244 mixed martial arts event at Madison Square Garden in New York City and was loudly booed by fight fans.

    35th Month - December 2019
  • 2019 Dec 12: Mike Huckabee said that he is in charge of dDonald Trump's re-election campaign for 2024!

    Third Year Summary January 2019 to January 2020

    36th Month - January 2020

    44th Month - September 2019
  • 2020 Sat Sept 26: President Trump nominated godawful right-wing jurist Amy Coney Barrett to fill the U.S. Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Justice Ginsburg.

    Days Until Emperor Trump Leaves Office . . .

  • might as well call it

    'Special Counsel investigation, 2017 to 2019' entry at Wikipedia

    "The crux of the matter: The battle around the treasonous actions of the Trump Team - versus restoration of the Constitution - is being fought between
    propagandists who lie and public servants who are vilified for telling the truth."  —  G.E. Nordell

    This section kept growing, of course, and so was cut to its own page in April 2018.

    top of pageshort historymajor & minor playersworks about 'RussiaGate'movies, plays, other media

    fake-news anti-propagandaimage gallerylinks

    Impeachment in the House
    'Impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump, 2019' entry at Wikipedia

    House Intelligence Committee's Report on Ukraine book  "The Impeachment Report: The House Intelligence Committee's Report On Its Investigation Into Donald Trump and Ukraine" [2019] by The House Intelligence Committee, Introduction by Pulitzer Prize-winner Jon Meacham
    Kindle Edition from Broadway Books/Random House [12/2019] for $4.99
    Broadway Books 9¼x6 pb [12/2019] pre-order for $12.99

    Conviction in the Senate
    'Special Counsel investigation, 2017 to 2019' entry at Wikipedia

    Writings,  Interviews,  Speeches,  and  Tweets
    browse Donald's books at Amazon's Trump University Store

    The entries & links concerning Donald Trump's pre-Emperor writings, et cetera remain on the original Donald J. Trump Page;
    post-inauguration content will be coded here as they occur.

    My New Order / Speeches by Adolph Hitler book  "My New Order: A Collection of Speeches by Adolph Hitler" [1941]
    Translated by Count Raoul de Roussy de Sales, Introductions by Raymond Gram Swing & Sam Sloan

    included here because Donald's ex-wife confirmed that he kept a copy on his nightstand for many years
    Volume 1: Ishi Press 8½x5½ pb [8/2016] for $25.27
    Volume 2: Ishi Press 8½x5½ pb [8/2016] for $25.95
    Reynal & Hitchcock 9x6½ hardcover [1941] out of print/used
    hoist on his own petard, as it were:
    “Anyone being investigated by the F.B.I. is not qualified to be the president of the United States.”
    ~~~ tweeted by @realDonaldTrump on 8/3/2016, 9/7/2016, 10/15/2016, 10/20/2016, 10/21/2016, 10/25/2016, 10/30/2016

    The Trump Tapes audiobook by Bob Woodward  "The Trump Tapes: Bob Woodward's Twenty Interviews With President Donald   10/2022
    Trump" audiobook [2022] by Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward

    Woodward released excerpts from his new audiobook during the prior news weekend; contents include transcripts and raw audio of the 20 interviews that he conducted with then-President Donald Trump in 2019 and 2020, quoted extensively in his 2020 book "Rage". Woodward now says that he 'didn't go far enough' in "Rage", and was releasing the raw audio to provide a clearer understanding of Trump, his self-focus, and his evolving use of the presidency's power. Woodward also said that "[Donald] Trump is an unparalleled danger." - audio runs 11½ hours
    Audible Audiobook [10/2022] for $20.67
    Simon & Schuster Audio Originals [11/2022] for $44.99

    Works  About  Donald  Trump
    The entries & links concerning books about tycoon Trump remained on the original Donald J. Trump Page and post-inauguration works were coded here as they appeared,
    but Donald Trump is the subject of so many non-fiction and parody and fiction books that these pages got yuge real fast, so the 'Books About' portions were cut from both
    and combined as DJTrump-books.htm in early 2020.

    "A Lesson On How To Survive Trumpism – From The McCarthy Era" by Ellen Schrecker [2017]
    read 9 January 2017 article free online at The Nation Magazine

    Die Stern Magazine of Germany Donald Trump cover in August 2017  Stern Magazine in Germany published a cover story about Donald Trump in the 25 August 2017 issue; the headline 'Sein Kampf' translates as 'his fight'
    single copies not available on Amazon - try eBay or Etsy
    magazine website {in German}
    magazine entry at Wikipedia

    "Trumpism Is The New McCarthyism" by Ellen Schrecker [2018]
    read 21 May 2018 article free online at The Nation Magazine

    You Can't Spell America Without ME book by Alec Baldwin & Kurt Andersen  "You Can't Spell America Without ME: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of My Fantastic First Year As President Donald J. Trump" [2017]
    by Alec Baldwin & Kurt Andersen

    announced March 2017 for November publication
    Kindle Edition from Penguin Press [11/2017] for $14.99
    Bantam Press 9¼x6¼ pb [11/2017] for $20.87
    Penguin Press 9½x6½ hardcover [11/2017] for $14.50
    Fire and Fury - Inside the Trump White House book by Michael Wolff  "Fire and Fury: Inside The Trump White House" bestseller [2018]
    by journalist Michael Wolff

    Kindle Edition from Henry Holt/Macmillan [1/2018] for $14.99
    Henry Holt & Co. 9½x6½ hardcover [1/2018] for $20.98
    Macmillan UNABR audio CD read by Holter Graham [1/2018] for $25.94
    Even Worse Than You Think book by David Cay Johnston  "It's Even Worse Than You Think: What The Trump Administration Is Doing To America" [2018] by David Cay Johnston
    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [1/2018] for $14.99
    Simon & Schuster 9x6 hardcover [1/2018] for $17.64
    watch journalist Greg Palast interview of journalist David Cay Johnston about his new book
    watch full interview [2/2018 upload; 2:01:30] online at YouTube
    Fear - Trump in the White House book by Bob Woodward  "Fear: Trump In The White House - An Inside Account" [2018]
    by Bob Woodward
    - already an Amazon bestseller in pre-order
    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [9/ 2018] for $14.99
    Simon & Schuster 9x6 hardcover [9/2018] for $24.99
    watch Bob Woodward interview on Stephen Colbert's TV show online at YouTube:
    part 1 [10:07]part 2 [5:41]part 3 [4:59]
    Disloyal memoir by Michael Cohen  "Disloyal: A Memoir - The True Story of The Former Personal Attorney To  9/2020 President Donald J. Trump" [2020] by Michael Cohen
    The really 'real' Donald Trump revealed in this book is a racist, sexist, homophobic, lying, cheating President with a relentless willingness to lie, exaggerate, mislead, or manipulate anyone and everyone
    Kindle Edition from Skyhorse [9/2020] for $16.99
    Skyhorse 9x6 hardcover [9/2020] for $22.14
    watch Sept 8 MSNBC Rachel Maddow interview of Michael Cohen [10:58] online at YouTube  BLACK STAR: repeatedly interrupted by online ads (by YouTube)
    Rage book by Bob Woodward  "Rage" [2020] by Bob Woodward  9/2020
    revelations include President Trump admitting to lies about COVID-19 (and lots else) and text of letters between Trump and North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un
    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster [9/2020] for $14.99
    Simon & Schuster 9x6 hardcover [9/2020] for $18.01
    watch 8/2020 official ad/promo [0:30] online at YouTube
    Stern Magazine of Germany Donald Trump cover in September 2020  Stern Magazine in Germany published a cover story about Donald Trump in the 10 September 2020 issue; the headline needs no translation
    single copies not available on Amazon - try eBay or Etsy
    magazine website {in German}
    magazine entry at Wikipedia

    "Who Is?" video segments [NowThis webcast 2017-2018 and 2020+]
    'Who Is?' webcast video segments about members of the Trump administration  "Who Is?" is a weekly series of video segments that explore the people behind and around the Trump administration and their complicated – and often salacious or criminal – histories; episodes of the original were 5-10 minutes long, the radio podcast episodes are hour-long (40-65 minutes); NOTE: the order of the episodes on IMDb do not match the lists on Amazon Prime, so the mixed entries below are displayed in alphabetical order
    cast ... co-producer & director P.J. Evans https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7366152/ https://www.facebook.com/NowThisWhoIs/
    options at Amazon Instant Video
    Amazon Prime 30-day free trial, $12.99/month after trial
    Discovery+ 7-day free trial, from $4.99/month after trial
    video Seasons 1 & 2 [2017-2018] credits at IMDb
    watch 30 short episodes, March-June 2021
    watch ?? short episodes, starting June 2021

    "NowThis: Who Is Sheriff Joe Arpaio?" of Arizona - narrated by young Latina [2017]
    President Trump pardoned a man who boasted about creating his own 'concentration camp' for prisoners
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcN5byeyjQo [9/2017 upload; 4:18]

    "NowThis: Who Is Steve Bannon?" - narrated by Rob Corddry [2017]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GopSXNoifes [9/2017 upload; 13:06]

    "NowThis: Who Is Justice Amy Coney Barrett?" - narrated by Mia Jackson [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SyAJnk0vZU [9/2020 upload; 5:41]

    "NowThis: Who Is Sen. Richard Burr?" of North Carolina - narrated by Jordan Mendoza [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SASlEuiyEOo [4/2020 upload; 7:48]

    "NowThis: Who Is Dr. Ben Carson?" - narrated by Aparna Nancherla [2017]
    how the famed neurosurgeon and failed presidential candidate made it into Trump's White House
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hv4_6zZGoA [9/2017 upload; 4:14]

    "NowThis: Who Is Michael Cohen?" - narrated by Susie Essman & Catherine Cohen [2018]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PXNLcMrmQA [12/2018 upload; 8:45]

    "NowThis: Who Is Kellyanne Conway?" - narrated by Angela Trimbur [2017]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-HiVrsSQqQ [10/2017 upload; 4:18]

    "NowThis: Who Is Sen. Tom Cotton?" of Arkansas - narrated by P.J. Evans [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Ohq2OSfs [10/2020 upload; 11:20]

    "NowThis: Who Is Gov. Ron DeSantis?" of Florida - narrated by Yedoye Travis [2017]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUMkHEs23GQ [7/2020 upload; 7:08]

    "NowThis: Who Is Betsy Prince DeVos?" - narrated by Rose McGowan [2017]
    how a billionaire who never went to public school became responsible for education in America
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcK0OXd3tJ4 [9/2017 upload; 4:45]

    "NowThis: Who Is Rudy Giuliani?" - narrated by Lizz Winstead [2018]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt8YZbw438c [7/2018 upload; 12:54]

    "NowThis: Who Is Sebastian Gorka?" ideologue - narrated by Shalewa Sharpe [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhTbz3MHnyo [8/2020 upload; 11:17]

    "NowThis: Who Is Sen. Jim Inhofe?" of Oklahoma - narrated by comedian Brent Terhune [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ccIOFbTQxU [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Alex Jones?" - narrated by Gary Richardson [2020]
    conspiracy theorist & talk show host, based at fake news website InfoWars
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l36vE-iqAGo [4/2020 upload; 10:50]

    "NowThis: Who Is Larry Kudlow?" - narrated by David Bluvband [2018]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kbiOmgUICU [8/2018 upload; 7:24]

    "NowThis: Who Is Mike Lindell?" 'the pillow guy' - narrated by P.J. Evans [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HANlGaWalwg [4/2020 upload; 7:22]

    "NowThis: Who Is Laura Loomer?" Islamophobe - narrated by P.J. Evans [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vylYzPCBIbI [9/2020 upload; 8:58]

    "NowThis: Who Is Paul Manafort?" - narrated by Myq Kaplan [2017]
    how he became the lynchpin of the Trump campaign's entire Russia controversy
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlHpJs_HORM [10/2017 upload; 5:24]

    "NowThis: Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell?" - narrated by P.J. Evans [2020]
    wealthy British procuror for Trump buddy Jeffrey Epstein
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJOfnsSP6v4 [7/2020 upload; 10:28]

    "NowThis: Who Is Stephen Miller?" 'the White House nazi' - narrated by Debra Messing [2020]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVQBYJAY2I4 [1/2020 upload; 7:05]

    "NowThis: Who Is Steve Mnuchin?" - narrated by Chris Gethard [2017]
    how the California 'Foreclosure King' became the U.S. Secretary of Treasury
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmCp2whXVHA [10/2017 upload; 5:18]

    "NowThis: Who Is Mick Mulvaney?" - narrated by Sen. Elizabeth Warren [2018]
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy-bhBoyFco [2/2018 upload; 6:23]

    "NowThis: Who Is Mike Pence?" - narrated by [2017]
    Pence is anti-Mulan, anti-evolution, and pro-cigarettes - here's how he made it to being a heartbeat away from the presidency
    http://www.youtube.com [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Rick Perry?" - narrated by [5 Oct. 2017]
    a failed presidential candidate and a failed "Dancing With The Stars" contestant - so naturally, he was appointed U.S. Secretary of Energy
    http://www.youtube.com [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Scott Pruitt?" - narrated by [15 Sep. 2017]
    http://www.youtube.com [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Sarah Huckabee Sanders?" - narrated by comedian Catherine Cohen
    http://www.youtube.com [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Dan Scavino?" - narrated by [15 Sep. 2017]
    http://www.youtube.com [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Jeff Sessions?" - narrated by Michael Ian Black [11 Sep. 2017] he began paving his road to the White House a long time ago - here's how he became Trump's Attorney General
    http://www.youtube.com [10/2020 upload; 10:36]

    "NowThis: Who Is Ben Shapiro?" - narrated by [15 Sep. 2017]

    Trump Family members:

    "NowThis: Who Is Kimberly Guilfoyle?
    Who Is Jared Kushner? son-in-law - narrated by Justin Long [22 Aug. 2017]
    Who Is Donald Trump Jr.? - narrated by Alyssa Milano
    Who Is Eric Trump?
    Who Is Ivanka Trump?

    ±                  ±
    "NowThis / Who Is?" radio podcasts [I Heart Radio/NowThis since Nov 2019]
    'hour-long' radio podcasts run 40-65 minutes, hosted by Sean Morrow; listening to episodes requires sign-in to Amazon/Audible
    episode list on audible, 52 entries Oct 2019 to present

    Who Is Mohammad bin Salman? of Saudi Arabia Jan 21, 2020 40 min
    Who Is Tom Cotton? Feb 18, 2020 49 min
    Who Is Betsy Prince DeVos?/Who Is Erik Prince? Nov 12, 2019 44 min
    Who Is Mark Esper? Secretary of Defense, 2019-2020 Jan 14, 2020 45 min
    Who Is Fox News? Dec 17, 2019 48 min
    Who Is Nikki Haley? Jul 21, 2020 49 min
    Who Is Charles Koch? Mar 3, 2020 53 min
    Who Is Jared Kushner? husband of Ivanka Trump Jan 28, 2020 45 min
    Who Is Leonard Leo? Oct 13, 2020
    Who Is Mitch McConnell? Nov 5, 2019 42 min
    Who Is Rebekah Mercer? [56 min; May 18, 2021]
    Who Is Stephen Miller? Feb 4, 2020 48 min
    Who Is Mike Pence? Feb 25, 2020 52 min
    Who Is Mike Pompeo? Feb 11, 2020 46 min
    Who Is Vladimir Putin? Sep 22, 2020 65 min
    Who Is QAnon? Sep 29, 2020 55 min
    Who Is Justice John Roberts? Nov 19, 2019 43 min
    Who Is Paul Singer? vulture investor Aug 4, 2020 55 min
    Who Is Tom Vilsack? Mar 23, 2021 53 min
    Who Is Andrew Wheeler? head of the EPA Oct 6, 2020 51 min

    Movies & Television,  Stageplays,  Other  Media
    Donald J. Trump, Sr. credits [since 1981] at Internet Movie Database

    The entries & links concerning Donald Trump's pre-Emperor appearances remain on the original Donald J. Trump Page;
    post-inauguration events will be coded here as they occur.

    ·                         ·

    "Bart To The Future" episode [Gracie Films/Fox TV March 2000]
    of "The Simpsons" animated TV series [since Dec 1987]
    'The Simpsons' TV series 3/2000 episode 'Bart to the Future'  Season 11, Episode 17: At age 38, Lisa Simpson becomes the first straight female President of the United States of America; the country is broke due to President Trump - Lisa says “We’ve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump.” - and is forced to bring a tax hike but things get worse when Bart interrupts everything . . .
    Directed by Jim Reardon & Michael Marcantel; developed by creator-producer Matt Groening, producer James L. Brooks & producer Sam Simon; episode written by Dan Greaney; music by Alf Clausen; featuring voices of Dan Castellaneta {as Homer Simpson}, Julie Kavner {as Marge Simpson}, Nancy Cartwright {as Bart Simpson}, Yeardley Smith {as Lisa Simpson}, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer, Pamela Hayden, Tress MacNeille, Karl Wiedergott, D.G. Maloney; DVD releases contain all 22 episodes and bonus material
    episode credits at IMDbepisode entry at Wikipedia
    The Simpsons: Season 11 Fox color DVD with Collectible Krusty Head [10/2008] 4 disks for $47.09
    The Simpsons: Season 11 Fox color DVD [10/2008] 4 disks for $47.49
    French-language Season 11 unbranded color DVD [2008] 4 disks for $15.34
    watch full episode [1/2019 Happy Lunch upload; 10:53] online at YouTube

    58th Primetime Emmy Awards" TV show [NBC-TV Aug 2006]
    Donald Trump sang the theme song from the 'Green Acres' [1965-71] TV series with Megan Mullally (of the 'Will & Grace' TV show)
    Emperor Trump is quite displeased that he cannot order this video to be removed from the internet.
    watch the skit [7/2011 upload; 1:10] online at YouTube

    'Donald Trump Calls Madea' on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
    [Universal/NBC-TV Oct 2016]
    split-screen skit with Jimmy Fallon as Trump and Tyler Perry as Madea  Split-screen skit with Fallon as Trump and Tyler Perry as his character Madea
    watch full 10/2016 skit [3:44] online at YouTube

    "Trumping Democracy: Real Money • Fake News • Your Data"
    [streaming Nov 2017, DVD release Dec 2017]
    Trumping Democracy 2017 documentary film by Thomas Huchon  "In the darkness of the web, democracy was trumped by data." • Explosive documentary that follows the money in the 2016 election cycle to the elusive billionaire Robert Mercer, who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Mercer-owned company Cambridge Analytica used data of millions of Americans – acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security, and more – and tactics honed during the U.K.'s Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed 'most neurotic or worried', whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using
    the little-known Facebook feature called 'dark posts', Cambridge Analytica deployed highly manipulative & personalized messages seen only one time by the user before disappearing.
    • 69-minute documentary film directed by Thomas Huchon
    Cinema Libre color DVD [12/2017] for $11.63
    Amazon Instant Video [11/2017] rental $3.99, purchase $9.99
    bare credits at IMDbofficial movie websitewatch 11/2017 official trailer [3:04] online at YouTube

    "Trump @ War" [Victory Films streaming Sept 2018]
    title shot for 2018 'Trump @ War' propaganda film  Bannon is attempting to fire up Trump's base to vote in November, to create a Red Wave {aka 'Red Tide'} versus the Blue Tsunami of the Democrats • Co-produced & co-written by Dan Fedette; co-written & directed by Stephen K. Bannon; featuring Mike Caputo, Joe Concha, Bill Gertz, Sasha Gong, Sebastian Gorka, Lianchao Han, Pete Hegseth, Raynard Jackson, Sonnie Johnson, Raheem Kassan, Corey Lewan-doski, Alfredo Ortiz, war criminal Erik Prince, Rob Wasinger, John Zmirac
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available • not listed at IMDb • official movie website {redirect}
    watch 8/2018 official trailer [2:33] online at YouTube
    watch full movie [75 minutes?] FREE online at The Western Journal - requires email signup

    "It's A Wonderful Trump" "Saturday Night Live" Cold Open [NBC-TV aired 15 Dec 2018]
    Angel Clarence shows President Trump how the world would be better if he had not won the election, but of course Donald does not get the message.
    watch full skit [8:55] online at YouTube

    "Trump Card: Beating Socialism, Corruption, and The Deep State" [Cloudburst Ent. Aug 2020]
    Trump Card propaganda movie from Dinesh D'Souza  More godawful lying propaganda from propagandist D'Souza
    Written, co-produced & co-directed by Dinesh D'Souza; co-directed by Bruce Schooley
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available •
    bare credits at IMDbmovie entry at Wikipedia
    watch 7/2020 official trailer [2:32] at YouTube
    based on "The United States of Socialism" [6/2020] by Dinesh D'Souza

    "#Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump" documentary [indep Aug 2020]
    Unfit - The Psychology of Donald Trump docufilm  'An eye-opening and shattering analysis of the behavior, psyche, condition, and stability of Donald J. Trump' • Co-produced & directed by Dan Partland; featuring Malcolm Nance, George Conway, psychologist John Gartner PhD, psychiatrist Lance Dodes, psychoanalyst Justin Frank MD, psychologist Ramani Durvasula, Anthony Scaramucci, psychologist Suzanne Lachmann PsyD, Rick Reilly, William 'Bill' Kristol, Richard Painter, historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, historian Cheryl Koos, psychologist Sheldon Solomon, Michael Gray (voice), Sean Spicer; with archive footage of: Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, attorney Alan Dershowitz, Rodrigo R. Duterte, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Zachary Fisher, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, William Barr, Wolf Blitzer, Mika Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sen. Ted Cruz, Daniel Day-Lewis, Steve Doocy, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Erich Fromm, Barry Goldwater, Jane Goodall, Mikhail Gorbachev, Sen. Lindsey Graham, Chris Hayes, Adolf Hitler, Samuel L. Jackson, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Brian Kilmeade, David Letterman, Monica Lewinsky, Chris Matthews, Sen. Mitch McConnell, Steven Mnuchin, Benito Mussolini, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Cong. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cong. Ilhan Omar, Mike Pence, Cong. Ayanna Pressley, Ronald Reagan, Justice John G. Roberts Jr., Charlie Rose, Cong. Paul Ryan, Joe Scarborough, Tony Schwartz, John Spencer, Joseph Stalin, George Stephan-opoulos, Howard Stern, Jake Tapper, Cong. Rashida Tlaib, Chuck Todd, Fred Trump, Ivana Trump, Melania Trump, Tiger Woods
    DVD/Blu-ray not yet available • Amazon Instant Video [8/2020] HD rental $2.99, HD purchase $9.99
    full credits at IMDbofficial movie site

    Image  Gallery

    Trump First Family cartoon by Sutton         February 2017 cover of 'Der Spiegel' Magazine illustrating Trump & America First         poster 'Wake Up America! There's A Usurper In Our White House' was created to protest Barack Obama and becomes neatly ironic used against Emperor Trump         'Trump Fraud' poster         Emperor Trump signing the ransom note after kidnapping thousands of immigrant children, June 2018         TIME Magazine cover of June 2018 depicting Donald Trump contemplating kinghood

    anti-Trump 'hell toupee' poster         photo of Emperor Trump with caption 'days without being a national embarrassment - zero'         photo says it all: Trump and the leaders of the G6½ conference, June 2018

    TIME Magazine cover of July 2018 depicting Donald Trump intimidating a crying immigrant toddler         poster depicting St. Donald, Patron Saint of Idiots         Donald Trump wins award for making us aware of the threat of (fake) windmill cancer

    Family & Friends & Associates
    Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York City in June 1946; he made tentative runs for U.S. President in 1987, 2000, and 2011,
    and won the Republican Party nomination in July 2016, then the election in November, and was inaugurated on 20 January 2017.

    The detail entries & links about Donald Trump as real estate tycoon remain on the original Donald J. Trump Page;
    not much is expected to be added to this section on this page.

    first wife Ivana Zelnícková Winklmayr Trump Mazzucchelli Rubicondi [1949-2022] - married 1977, divorced 1991

    Raising Trump book by Ivana Trump  "Raising Trump" [2017] by Ivana Trump
    Kindle Edition from Simon & Schuster Digital Sales [10/2017] for $12.99
    Gallery Books 9x6 hardcover [10/2017] for $18.88

    daughter Ivanka Marie Trump Kushner [b. 1981]
    given unspecified position as WH advisor to her father, with full security clearance and an office in the White House

    son-in-law Jared Kushner
    appointed as Senior Advisor to Emperor Trump

    third wife Melania 'Malaria' Knauss {nee Melanija Knavs in Slovenia} Trump [b. 1970] - married 2005
    son Barron William Trump [b. 2006]

    longtime personal lawyer Michael D. Cohen
    under investigation by the F.B.I. and by Robert Mueller's RussiaGate team for possible crimes around the $130,000 bribe of porn star Stormy Daniels in 2016

    white nationalist leader Richard Spencer quickly praised several of Trump's cabinet nominees

    porn star Stormy Daniels {real name Stephanie Clifford Miller}
    had sexual affair with married Donald Trump at a Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006; was illegally paid $130,000 in hush money by Trump's personal lawyer just prior
    to the 2016 elections; the hush money allegations were revealed in January 2018, making her a household name; autobiographical book released in October 2018
    browse videos on DVDIMDb listing {150+ credits}official websiteentry at Wikipedia

    Stormy Daniels Political Power graphic novel by Joe Paradise  "Political Power: Stormy Daniels" graphic novel [2018]
    by author & artist Joe Paradise

    23-page Kindle Edition from Tidalwave Prodns [9/2018] for $5.99
    26-page Tidalwave Prodns 9½x6¾ pb [11/2018] for $5.99
    26-page Tidalwave Prodns 9½x6¾ pb [11/2018] for $5.99
    26-page Tidalwave Prodns 9½x6¾ hardcover [9/2018] for $17.99
    Full Disclosure book by Stormy Daniels  "Full Disclosure" [2018] by Stormy Daniels, Foreword by Michael Avenatti
    Daniels kept a daily journal for over ten years, so the book is described
    as not a tell-all book about Trump, but generally about her career as a
    porn film actress & director and traveling live performer

    Kindle Edition from St. Martin's/Macmillan [10/2018] for $14.99
    Pan UK 7¾x5 pb [6/2019] for $15.37
    St. Martin's Press 9x6 pb [4/2023] for $20.99
    St. Martin's Press 9¼x6 hardcover [10/2018] for $16.26

    Stormy's lawyer Michael Avenatti
    Southern District of New York prosecutors arrested & charged the former lawyer for adult film star Stormy Daniels on charges of wire and bank fraud, based on an alleged attempt to extort millions of dollars from Nike; Avenatti demanded that Nike pay him and a client 'between $15 and $25 million' or he would hold a press conference revealing damaging information about 'a major high school/college basketball scandal perpetrated by Nike' which could 'take ten billion dollars off [Nike's] market cap'.

    L i n k s
    Spirit of America Bookstore's original real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump Page
    Donald Trump entry at Wikipedia
    Donald J. Trump, Sr. credits [since 1981] at Internet Movie Database
    official Donald Trump campaign Facebook page

    Spirit of America Bookstore's RussiaGate Scandal Page
    www.impeachTrump.com website
    www.TrumpForPrison.org website

    here on the Emporer Trump Page at Spirit of America Bookstore

    top of pageshort profilethe Trump Cabineta few important datesrecent writings & speechesworks about Emporer Trump

    movies & TV, other mediaimage galleryfamily & friendslinks

    Spirit of America Bookstore's original real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump Page

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