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Economics  or  Else!
•  Economists - Part 1  •

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        cute but evil robber baron         on this page:
news & essays

major economists, general

major economists, A to D
Frédéric Bastiat
Dr. Ben S. Bernanke


1A = major economists, E to G
Milton Friedman
John K. Galbraith

1B = major economists, H to ?
F.A. Hayek
Paul Krugman
Marx & Engels
Thomas Piketty
Robert B. Reich
Nouriel Roubini
Joseph A. Schumpeter
Lester C. Thurow
Paul A. Volcker


on page two:
recent works on economics
(1976 to present)

on page three:
top of page
classic works on economics
Dummies/Idiots books
other media

“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to
maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.”   — James A. Madison [1751-1836]

“The American economy is the eighth wonder of the world;
the ninth is the economic ignorance of the American people.”
— Arthur Levitt, former chairman Securities & Exchange Commission

“For in modern states the men who can manage men manage the men who can manage only things;
and the men who can manage money manage all.”
Will Durant [1885-1981]

‘‘            ‘‘            ‘‘            ‘‘

Economics catalog at Amazon
Business / Investing catalog at Amazon

The U.S. Treasury's Calculation of the Current National Debt
Federal Reserve G-19 Reports: Outstanding Consumer Debt

The Dorling-Kindersley 'Essential Finance' Series (12 volumes)

'G.O.P. Meltdown' Page at Spirit of America Bookstore

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Economics Film Festival Pages

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Wall Street Page

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Capitalism Page

Spirit of America Bookstore's
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Page

'Working Minds' philosophy website
Working Minds 'Class War & Economics' Pages
Francisco's 'Money' speech from Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

Working Minds Essay #114: "Predicting The October Collapse" April 2018]
Working Minds Essay #94: "Wal-Mart Bad, Local Businesses Good" [May 2011]
Working Minds Essay #92: "Reason-Based Taxation 2010"
Working Minds Essay #84: "Your Future Is Foreclosed"
Working Minds Essay #78: "The Robber Barons"
Working Minds Essay #76: "How To Survive The Coming Depression"
Working Minds Essay #73: "Unemployment In America"

WMail ezine Issue #61: "Non-Monetary Economics"
WMail ezine Issue #54: "F*** The Fed"
WMail ezine Issue #50: "The Three Economies"
WMail ezine Issue #46: "A Living Wage"
WMail ezine Issue #42: "The Oligarchy"
WMail ezine Issue #40: "Paleo-Capitalism"
WMail ezine Issue #35: "Debt & The Working Mind"
WMail ezine Issue #23: "The Class System In America"
WMail ezine Issue #18: "The Stock Market Casino"
WMail ezine Issue #14: "The Best Investment - Labor"

bar chart of global inflation rates, December 2020 to May 2022    bar chart of global inflation rates,
December 2020 to May 2022

top bar is Czech Republic at 10.2% inflation, red bar is USA at 3.8%, non-USA average is 3.7%

{ chart by OEPC, courtesy Economic Policy Institute
email newsletter 12 August 2022 }

click here for larger view (in a new window)

Explaining flat U.S. job growth (October 2016)

     The Republicans continue to blame President Obama, but the entire G.O.P. Economic Meltdown took place in 2008, before Barack Obama became President in January 2009.
     The U.S. economy got better immediately upon passage of the Democratic Party's Stimulus Package in early 2009, which the Republicans continue to work at cancelling.

     As you can see on the chart here, job creation has been positive since Obama's first month in office, every single month.
     The problem though is the Republican Congress and their promise to prevent any legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats. So no jobs have been created by fixing our decrepit infrastructure, no stimulus for the alternative energy industry (both an economic and an energy solution), no pressure brought to bear on Wall Street or the megabanks to provide loans for small or medium businesses, while big business resists hiring new workers (in the U.S.).

     The key fact left out of all the news for these seven years is that the U.S. economy needs 250,000 jobs each month to keep up with population growth. This is why the Obama Administration rightfully reports jobs created each month in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 – quite an accomplishment given the fierce opposition – and the jobless rate remains between 4 and 5 percent (and 15% for minorities and 25% for teens and 50% for Native Americans).

     President Obama's hands are tied, Congress does absolutely nothing, Republicans sue the Supreme Court to reverse Obama's Executive Orders, and the economy remains dire for the Middle Class and the Working Poor.

     G.E. Nordell
     Rio Communities, New Mexico

This essay was posted on G.E. Nordell's Dateline Chamesa weblog [est. 2005] as Working Minds Essay #109 in October 2016.

Major  Economists

Adam Smith [1723-90] Page

Thorstein B. Veblen [1857-1929] Page

Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises [1881-1973] Page

British economist John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946] Page

Nobel-laureate economist Gunnar Myrdal [1898-1987] Page

Dr. W. Edwards Deming [1900-93] Page

John Kenneth Galbraith [1908-2006] Page

C. Wright Mills [1916-1962] Page

New School educator Robert L. Heilbroner [1919-2005] Page

American capitalist Warren E. Buffett Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore

Dr. Ravi Batra Page

Robert B. Reich Page

      $   $      

The Money Masters 1980 book by John Train  "The Money Masters: Nine Great Investors, Their Winning Strategies, and How You Can Apply Them" [1980] by John Train
featuring Warren Buffett, Paul Cabot, Philip Carret, Philip Fisher, Benjamin Graham, Stanley Kroll, Peter Lynch, George Michaelis, John Neff, Thomas Rowe Price Jr., Jim Rogers, George Soros, Micheal Steinhardt, John Templeton, Larry Tisch, Ralph Wanger, and Robert Wilson
HarperCollins Publrs 7¾x5¼ pb [1987] out of print/used
Harper & Row 8¼x5¾ hardcover [1980] out of print/many used
Great Economists Before Keynes book by Mark Blaug  "Great Economists Before Keynes: An Introduction To The Lives and Works of One Hundred Great Economists of The Past" [1986] by Mark Blaug
Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [1/89] out of print/used
Edward Elgar Publng 9¾x6½ hardcover [2/97] for $164.70
Humanities Press hardcover [5/86] out of print/used
Great Economists Since Keynes book by Mark Blaug  "Great Economists Since Keynes: An Introduction To The Lives and Works of One Hundred Modern Economists" [1989] by Mark Blaug
Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [1/89] out of print/used
Edward Elgar Publg 2nd edition 9¾x6½ hardcover [5/98] for $126.00 {sic}
The New Money Masters 1989 book by John Train  "The New Money Masters: Winning Investment Strategies of Soros, Lynch, Steinhardt, Rogers, Neff, Wanger, Michaelis, Carret" [1989] by John Train
HarperBusiness 8x5¼ pb [9/94] out of print/used
HarperCollins 9x6½ hardcover [10/89] out of print/60+ used
Three Great Economists book by Raphael & Skidelsky  "Three Great Economists: Smith, Malthus, Keynes" [1997]
by D.D. Raphael, Donald Winch & Robert Skidelsky

"Indispensable for the beginner ... also a delight to read."
Oxford Univ Press 7¾x5 pb [5/97] out of print/used
see also Maison d'Être's John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946] Page
see also Maison d'Être's Adam Smith [1723-90] Page

Brief History of Economics book by E. Ray Canterbery  "A Brief History of Economics: Artful Approaches To The Dismal Science" [orig 1994, rev 2010]
by E. Ray Canterbery

individuals covered include: Jeremy Bentham, John Kenneth Galbraith, Robert Heilbroner, John Maynard Keynes, Thomas Robert Malthus, Alfred Marshall, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, David Ricardo, Joseph A. Schumpeter, Adam Smith & Thor-stein Veblen; other topics covered include: Capitalism, The Casino Economy, Feudalism, The Global Economy, The Great Depression & The Jazz Age
Kindle Edition from World Scientific Publng [2nd edition 12/2010] for $30.59 {sic}
World Scientific Publng 2nd edition 9x6 pb [12/2010] for $43.00
World Scientific Publng 8½x6 pb [7/2001] out of print/used
World Scientific Publng 8¾x6 hardcover [9/2001] out of print/used

Money Masters of Our Time book by John Train  "Money Masters of Our Time" [orig 1994, rev 2000] by John Train
Author provides new and updated appraisals of the investment techniques and methods of acknowledged 'money masters', including Warren Buffett, Paul Cabot, Philip Carret, Philip Fisher, Benjamin Graham, Mark Lightbrown, Peter Lynch, John Neff, T. Rowe Price, Richard Rainwater, Julian Robertson, Jim Rogers, George Soros, Michael Steinhardt, John Templeton, Ralph Wanger, and Robert Wilson
Harper 8x5¼ pb [5/2003] for $10.65
HarperBusiness hardcover [8/2000] out of print/used

Inside The Economist's Mind book edited by Samuelson & Barnett  "Inside The Economist's Mind: Conversations With Eminent Economists" [2006]
Edited by Paul A. Samuelson & William A. Barnett

Wiley & Sons hardcover [10/2006] for $19.77
interviewees include Robert Aumann, David Cass, Jacques Dreze, Martin Feldstein, Stanley Fischer, Milton Friedman, Janos Kornai, Wassily Leontief, Robert E. Lucas Jr., Franco Modigliani, Paul A. Samuelson (by Barnett}, Thomas J. Sargent, Robert J. Shiller, Christopher A. Sims, James Tobin & Paul A. Volcker
co-author Barnett's blog
Soulful Science / Economists book by Diane Coyle  
"The Soulful Science: What Economists Really Do & Why It Matters"
[2007] by Diane Coyle

Princeton Univ Press pb [1/2008] for $13.57
Princeton Univ Press 9¼x6¼ hardcover [1/2007] for $18.45
Investment Legends book by Barrie Dunstan  "Investment Legends: The Wisdom That Leads To Wealth" [2008]
by Barrie Dunstan, Foreword by Charles D. Ellis

"The World's Greatest Money Managers ... How They Did It, What They Believe"; featuring Peter Bernstein, Barton Biggs, Jack Bogle, Anthony Bolton, Sir Ron Brierley, Gary Brinson, Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger, Abby Joseph Cohen, Ray Dalio, Marc Faber, David Fisher, Jeremy Grantham, Bill Gross, Martin Leibowitz, and Lew Sanders
Kindle Edition from Wrightbooks [1/2012] for $19.80
Wrightbooks 9x5¾ pb [10/2008] for $36.00

50 Economics Ideas book by Edmond Conway  "50 Economics Ideas You Really Need To Know" [2009]
by Edmond Conway

Kindle Edition from Quercus [9/2009] for $5.79
Quercus 8½x5¼ pb [8/2009] out of print/used
Quercus 8x6¾ hardcover [8/2009] out of print/many used

logo for Age of Economics video platform
'Age  of  Economics'  Project
A series of podcasts/lectures asking 57 economists the same eight questions:
1. Why does economics matter?
2. What are the differences between economic science (academic economics) and economic engineering (policymaking)?
3. What role does economics play in society? Does it serve the common good?
4. Economics provides answers to problems related to markets, efficiency, profits, consumption and economic growth. Does economics do a good job in addressing the other issues people care about: climate change and the wider environment, the role of technology in society, issues of race and class, pandemics, etc.?
5. As we live in an age of economics and economists – in which economic developments feature prominently in our lives and economists have major influence over a wide range of policy and people – should economists be held accountable for their advice?
6. Does economics explain Capitalism? How would you define Capitalism?
7. No human system to date has so far been able to endure indefinitely - not ancient Egypt or Rome, not Feudal China or Europe, not the USSR. What about global Capitalism: can it survive in its current form?
8. Is Capitalism, or whatever we should call the current system, the best one to serve the needs of humanity, or can we imagine another one?

The 57 individuals interviewed on the Age of Economics video platform, November 2020 to May 2022 are:
Anat Ruth Admati - professor of Finance & Economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business - June 6, 2021
Carolina Cristina Alves - Research Fellow in Heterodox Economics at Girton College, University of Cambridge - January 17, 2021
macroeconomist Angus Armstrong - June 13, 2021
international economic expert Rym Ayadi - April 18, 2021
Albena Azmanova - Associate Professor at University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies - February 7, 2021
Muhamad Chatib Basri - former Minister of Finance of Indonesia - May 23, 2021
Mark Blyth - Professor of International Economics at Brown University - February 14, 2021
Tito Boeri - professor at Bocconi University Milano - June 20, 2021
Richard Bookstaber - expert in financial risk management - March 7, 2021
Noam Chomsky - Dr. Chomsky's response 6 December 2020
Claudia Chwalisz - OECD Open Government Unit - September 12, 2021
Barry Eichengreen - Professor of Economics & Political Science at University of California, Berkeley - October 3, 2021
Harris Eyre - Australian neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and author - August 15, 2021
Rana Foroohar - associate editor at the Financial Times, and also CNN’s global economic analyst - November 8, 2020
James K. Galbraith - Professor at the University of Texas in Austin - February 28, 2021
Jayati Ghosh - Professor of Economics at University of Massachusetts Amherst - March 14, 2021
Matheus Grasselli - Professor of Financial Mathematics and Chair of the Mathematics of Statistics
Department at McMaster University - January 24, 2021
Megan Greene - Global Chief Economist and Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School - May 30, 2021
Koichi Hamada - Professor Emeritus of Economics at Yale University - September 26, 2021
Ricardo Hausmann - director of the Growth Lab at Harvard’s Kennedy School - March 21, 2021
Rebecca Henderson - professor at Harvard Business School - April 25, 2021
Keyu Jin - Associate Professor at London School of Economics - January 31, 2021
Leo Johnson - noted British expert on global megatrends - December 27, 2020
Ian Hughes - senior research fellow at University College Cork, Ireland - July 18, 2021
William Hynes - head of the New Approaches to Economic Challenges Unit (NAEC) at OECD - November 1, 2020
Otmar Issing - former Chief Economist of Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank - August 22, 2021
Harold James - economic historian and professor at Princeton - August 8, 2021
Arjun Jayadev - Professor at Azim Premji University, Bangalore, and Senior Economist, INET and
J.W. Mason, Associate Professor at John Jay College, CUNY, and Fellow at Roosevelt Institute - June 27, 2021
Steve Keen - noted neo-Keynesian thinker and critic of neoclassical economics - December 13, 2020
Alan Kirman - Directeur d’Etudes, CAMS-EHESS Paris Professor Emeritus, Aix Marseille University - November 15, 2020
Sheila Lawlor - founder of UK-based Politeia - May 16, 2021
Barry C. Lynn - Executive Director of the Open Markets Institute [est. 9/2017] in Washington, DC - October 9, 2021
Penny Mealy - Research Fellow, INET, University of Oxford and Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge - December 20, 2020
Branko Milanovic - professor of economics at CUNY, LSE, and IBEI (Barcelona) - July 25, 2021
Andrew S. Nevin - Advisory Partner & Chief Economist at PwC Nigeria - January 3, 2021
Fred Olayele - Chief Economist at NYCEDC, New York - May 2, 2021
Arunma Oteh - former Treasurer and a Vice President of the World Bank - July 4, 2021
Laura Pautassi - Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires - July 11, 2021
Ann Pettifor - director of Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME) - March 28, 2021
Katharina Pistor - Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia University - August 1, 2021
Thitinan Pongsudhirak - director of the Institute for Science & International Security
at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand - April 11, 2021
Nancy Qian - professor at Kellogg School at Northwestern University - September 5, 2021
Hannah Ryder - founder and CEO of Development Reimagined, adviser - April 4, 2021
HRH Muhammad Sanusi II - former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, former Emir of Kano - February 21, 2021
Leora Schertzer - student at McGill University in Canada and Shanaya D’sa - student at McGill University in Canada - August 29, 2021
Ludger Schuknecht - former Chief Economist at the German Ministry of Finance,
former Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD - November 22, 2020
Paola Subacchi - Professor of International Economics and Chair, Global Policy Institute, Queen Mary University of London,
and Visiting professor at University of Bologna - November 4, 2021
Jason DeSena Trennert - Chairman/CEO of Strategas - January 10, 2021
Roberto Mangabeira Unger - former Minister for Strategic Affairs in Brazil from 2007–2009 - November 29, 2020
Frank Van Gansbeke - Business & Finance Professor, Middlebury College - September 19, 2021
Yanis Varoufakis - leader of MeRA25 and DiEM25, former Finance Minister of Greece - May 9, 2021
Grigory Yavlinsky - Professor Higher School of Economics University, Moscow, Russia - November 18, 2021
Shoshana Zuboff - Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School - May 20, 2022

Major  Economists,  A to G

12-year-old Victoria Grant of Canada explains banking [5/2012 upload; video 6:44] on YouTube

      $   $      

Dr. Roger A. Arnold, PhD: author of very popular college textbooks
browse booksfaculty webpage at Cal State San Marcos

Economics in Our Times high school textbook by Roger A. Arnold  "Economics In Our Times" high school textbook [pre-1990]
Thomson South-Western Cengage 10x8¼ pb [12/99] for $89.42
National Textbook Co. hardcover [6/2001] for $95.99
How To Think Like An Economist book by Roger A. Arnold  
"How To Think Like An Economist" (for instructors) [2004]
Thomson South-Western Cengage 8¾x5¾ pb [1/2004] for $19.75
Economics textbook by Roger A. Arnold  "Economics, Concise Edition" with InfoTrack disk [2006]
Thomson South-Western Cengage 10x8¼ pb [1/2006] for $121.50

"Economics, 9th Edition" [2008]
Thomson South-Western Cengage 10x8½ hardcover [12/2008] for $168.76

Macroeconomics, 9th Edition textbook by Roger A. Arnold  "Macroeconomics, 9th Edition" [2008]
Thomson South-Western Cengage 10x8½ pb [12/2008] for $143.05

"Microeconomics, 9th Edition" [2008]
Thomson South-Western Cengage 10x8½ pb [12/2008] for $143.05

      $   $      

Dr. George B.N. Ayittey
browse booksFree Africa Foundationfaculty webpage

      $   $      

Claude Frédéric Bastiat [1801-50]
search books {returns 400+}browse incomplete Bastiat Store at AmazonWikipedia

Bastiat Committee website
Bastiat Prize for Journalism [est. 2002]
Le Cercle Frédéric Bastiat (in French or English)
Bastiat Society [est. 2004] at American Institute for Economic Research [est. 1933]

The Law classic book by Frederic Bastiat   "The Law: The Classic Blueprint For A Free Society"
[original title "La Loi" 1850] by Frédéric Bastiat

Ludwig von Mises Institute 8¼x5¼ pb [6/2007] for $6.00
B&N Publng 8¼x5¼ pb [6/2007] for $11.04
B&N Publng 8½x5¾ hardcover [1/2005] for $14.99
book entry at Wikipedia
Bastiat Collection book edited by Mark Thornton  "The Bastiat Collection" [2007]
by Frédéric Bastiat, Edited & Introduction by Mark Thornton

1,065-page Kindle Edition from Ludwig von Mises Institute [4/2011] for $4.75
1,012-page Ludwig von Mises Institute mass pb [3/2011] out of print/used
1,000-page Ludwig von Mises Institute 9¼x6¼ 2-volume hc set [8/2007] out of print/used
contains: "Economic Sophisms" - both series [1845]; "What Is Money? (Maudit Argent!)"
[4/1849]; "Understanding Capital and Interest" [1849]; "Government (L'État)" [1849]; "The Law (La Loi)" [1850]; "That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen" [1850]; and "Harmonies of Political Economy" - both books [1850]

      $   $      

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Dr. Reveendra N. {'Ravi'} Batra Page

      $   $      

William J. Baumol
browse booksN.Y.U. faculty homepageWikipedia

      $   $      

Prof. Bernard C. Beaudreau
Professor of Economics at Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada

"How The Republicans Caused The Stock Market Crash of 1929: GPT's, Failed Transitions, and Commercial Policy"
[12/2005] by Bernard C. Beaudreau

"The National Industrial Recovery Act Redux: Technology and Transitions" [12/2005] by Bernard C. Beaudreau

"The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes: How The Second Industrial Revolution Passed Great Britain"
[2006} by Bernard C. Beaudreau

      $   $      

Dr. Ben S. Bernanke
former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Feb 2006 to Jan 2014
booksofficial F.R.B. homepageWikipedia

Time Magazine 'Person of The Year' for 2009

employed as Distinguished Fellow in Residence at the Brookings Institution [since Feb 2014]

won shared Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2022

Essays on the Great Depression book by Ben S. Bernanke  
"Essays On The Great Depression" [2000]
by Ben S. Bernanke

Princeton Univ Press 9x6 pb [1/2004] for $21.56
Princeton Univ Press 9½x6½ hardcover [4/2000] out of print/used

see also Spirit of America's 'Great Depression' [1929-39] Page

Principles of Economics book by Robert H. Frank & Ben S. Bernanke   "Principles of Economics" [2001]
by Robert H. Frank & Ben S. Bernanke

McGraw-Hill/Irwin 4th edition 11x8¾ hardcover [8/2008] for $143.80
McGraw-Hill/Irwin 3rd edition 11x8½ hardcover [12/2005] for $143.80
"Principles of Economics: Brief Edition" [2008]
McGraw-Hill/Irwin 11x8¾ hardcover w/2009 update [7/2009] for $157.81
McGraw-Hill/Irwin 11x8¾ hardcover [9/2008] for $111.90

The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis lectures by Ben S. Bernanke  "The Federal Reserve and The Financial Crisis" [2013]
Lectures by Ben S. Bernanke

Transcripts of four lectures (in 130 pages) given by Bernanke
at George Washington University during 2012.

Kindle Edition from Princeton Univ Press [2/2013] for $9.99
Princeton Univ Press 9¾x6¾ hardcover [2/2013] for $14.35
      $   $      

Jared Bernstein, ex-EPI

All Together Now, Common Sense For A Fair Economy  "All Together Now: Common Sense For A Fair Economy" [2006]
by Jared Bernstein

Berrett-Koehler 8½x5½ pb [5/2006] for $9.24
official booksite
      $   $      

Peter L. Bernstein
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia

Primer On Government Spending book by Robert L. Heilbroner & Peter L. Bernstein  "A Primer On Government Spending" [1963]
by Robert L. Heilbroner & Peter L. Bernstein

Random House 8x5 pb [1971] out of print/used
Vintage Books mass pb [1963] out of print/used
Random House hardcover [1963] out of print/used
Peter L. Bernstein Classics books boxed set   Peter L. Bernstein Classics Boxed Set: "Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street" [1992], "Against The Gods: The Remark-able Story of Risk" [1996] & "The Power of Gold: The History of An Obsession" [2000]
Wiley Classics 9x6 pb box set [10/2005] for $26.37
Capital Ideas Evolving book by Peter L. Bernstein  
"Capital Ideas Evolving" [2007]
an update of 1992's 'Capital Ideas'

Wiley & Sons 9x6 hardcover [5/2007] for $19.77
      $   $      

Mark Blaug [1927-2011]
browse booksentry at Wikipedia

Great Economists Before Keynes book by Mark Blaug  "Great Economists Before Keynes: An Introduction To The Lives and Works of One Hundred Great Economists of The Past" [1986] by Mark Blaug
Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [1/89] out of print/used
Edward Elgar Publng 9¾x6½ hardcover [2/97] for $164.70
Humanities Press hardcover [5/86] out of print/used
Great Economists Since Keynes book by Mark Blaug  "Great Economists Since Keynes: An Introduction To The Lives and Works of One Hundred Modern Economists" [1989] by Mark Blaug
Cambridge Univ Press 9¼x6 pb [1/89] out of print/used
Edward Elgar Publg 2nd edition 9¾x6½ hardcover [5/98] for $126.00 {sic}
John Maynard Keynes biography by Mark Blaug  "John Maynard Keynes: Life, Ideas, Legacy" [1990]
by Mark Blaug

Palgrave Macmillan 8½x5½ pb [10/90] out of print/used
Palgrave Macmillan 9x5¾ hardcover [10/90] out of print/used

see also Maison d'Être Bookstore's John Maynard Keynes [1883-1946] Page

Thorstein Veblen biography by Mark Blaug   "Thorstein Veblen, 1857-1929" biography [1992] Edited by Mark Blaug
Edward Elgar Publg 10x7 hardcover [6/92] for $198.00

see also Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Thorstein B. Veblen [1857-1929] Page

Not Only an Economist essays by Mark Blaug  "Not Only An Economist: Recent Essays by Mark Blaug" [1997]
Edward Elgar Publg 9¼x6¼ hardcover [3/97] for $150.10 {sic}
      $   $      

Danielle DiMartino Booth - based in Dallas, Texas
browse booksofficial website • no entry at Wikipedia (8/2022)
Quill Intelligence newsletter [est. 2018]

Fed Up / Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America book by Danielle DiMartino Booth  "Fed Up: An Insider's Take On Why The Federal Reserve Is Bad for America" [2017] by Danielle DiMartino Booth
Kindle Edition from Portfolio/Penguin Group [2/2017] for $13.99
Portfolio 9¼x6¼ hardcover [2/2017] for $12.04
      $   $      

capitalist Warren E. Buffett Page
at Spirit of America Bookstore

      $   $      

Douglas R. 'Doug' Casey
browse booksofficial websiteentry at Wikipedia

The International Man book by Doug Casey  "The International Man: The Complete Guidebook To The World's Last Frontiers - For Freedom Seekers, Investors, Adventurers, Speculators & Expatriates" [1978] by Douglas R. Casey, Preface by Harry Brown, Foreword by Harry D. Schultz
out of print/rare: not available on Amazon
Crisis Investing 1979 bestseller book by Doug Casey  "Crisis Investing: Opportunities and Profits In The Coming Great Depression"
[Stratford Press 1979]

Pocket pb [2/83] out of print/many, many used
HarperCollins 8½x5½ hardcover [7/80] out of print/used
the best-selling financial book in history, remaining #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for a then-record 29 weeks
International Investing Databook by Doug Casey  "International Investing: The Complete Databook To The World's Last Frontiers For Smart Money Management Overseas" [1981]
Everest House 10¾x8½ pb [6/81] out of print/used
Strategic Investing book by Doug Casey  "Strategic Investing" [1982 national bestseller]
"Discover the four-part, money-making program [that] you must follow for financial success in our perilous economy!"
Pocket mass pb [2/83] out of print/used
Pocket mass pb [2/83] out of print/many used
Simon & Schuster 8½x5½ hardcover [3/82] out of print/many, many used
Crisis Investing For The Rest of The 90s book by Doug Casey  "Crisis Investing For The Rest of The 90s" [1993]
Carol Publng 9x6 pb [rev 3/95] out of print/many used
Carol Publng 9x6 hardcover [10/93] out of print/many used
      $   $      

cable TV personality James Joseph 'Jim' Cramer [b. 1955]
host of "Mad Money" [est. 2005] on C.N.B.C. and an anchor on "Squawk On The Street" [est. 2005] on C.N.B.C.; known for screaming on-camera rants;
total doofus, but included here because of large audience & impact (currently CNBC's highest rated programming, drawing over 380,000 nightly viewers);
lives in Summit, Union County, New Jersey
browse bookscredits listing at IMDbWikipedia

"Trading With The Enemy: Seduction and Betrayal On Jim Cramer's Wall Street" [2002] by Nicholas W. Maier

On 13 November 2005, Dan Rather interviewed Cramer on "60 Minutes"

"Mad Money with Jim Cramer: Back To Basics

"Mad Money with Jim Cramer: Back To Basics II - Invest Like A Pro

      $   $      

ecological economist Herman E. Daly [1938-2022]
browse booksWikipedia

"Toward A Steady-State Economy" [1973] as editor
"Steady-State Economics" [1977]
"For The Common Good" [1989] with theologian John B. Cobb, Jr. {received the Grawemeyer Award}
"Valuing The Earth" [1993] with Kenneth Townsend
"Beyond Growth" [1996]
"Ecological Economics and The Ecology of Economics" [1999]
"The Local Politics of Global Sustainability" [2000] with Thomas Prugh & Robert Costanza
"Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications" [2003] with Joshua Farley

      $   $      

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
Dr. W. Edwards Deming [1900-93] Page

      $   $      

economist Harry S. Dent, Jr. [b. 1953]
browse booksofficial websiteWikipedia

Dent recently predicted a stock market crash that will make 2008 look mild, saying that we are in the 'bubble of all bubbles' - but then again,
he is one of those financial doomsayers who has "correctly predicted 10 of the last three recessions".
founder of HS Dent Investment Management, an investment firm based in Tampa, Florida
the Dent Strategic Portfolio Fund mutual fund
president and founder and senior editor of the Dent Research
director of H.S. Dent Publishing []

"The Great Boom Ahead" [1992]
"The Great Depression Ahead" [12/2009] - New York Times bestseller
"The Great Crash Ahead" [2011]
"The Demographic Cliff" [2014]
"Sale of A Lifetime" [2016]
"Zero Hour: Turn The Greatest Political and Financial Upheaval In Modern History To Your Advantage" [2017]

Harry Dent’s 2024 Market Crash Prediction book by Abraham A. Hale  "Harry Dent’s 2024 Market Crash Prediction: Insights and Preparations For [The] Impending Financial Crisis" [2024] by Abraham A. Hale
36-page Kindle Edition from indep [3/2024] for $5.99
70-page indep 9x6 pb [3/2024] for $12.99
      $   $      

this page got really big, so economists, H to Z was split off in Fall 2019,
then two pages were split into four in Fall 2021

Links  About  Economics
resources on economics at Biz/Ed Institute, U.K.
The Brandt Equation: Blueprint For The New Global Economy
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics {online} & Dismal Scientist
F.I.N.C.A. Village Banking [est. 1985]
Francisco's 'Money' Speech from "Atlas Shrugged"
glossary of economic terms (at W.W. Norton)
History of Economic Thought (at New School University)
[U.S.] Job Watch website
Library of Economics & Liberty
M.I.T. Sloan Investment Conference [#16 = virtual Feb 2021] is based at M.I.T.
Moving Ideas {The Electronic Policy Network} economics links
National Center for Employee Ownership
National Endowment For Financial Education & Get Smart About Your Money
Natural Capitalism
Nobel Prizes in Economics [est. 1969] - The Campaign to Make Poverty History
Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy [est. 1994]
Progressive Utilization Theory website
Responsible Wealth Project
Thinkers 50: global ranking of business thinkers
United for a Fair Economy
World Economic Forum in Switzerland
Economic Principles independent weekly journal [est. 3/2002]
Bastiat Prize for Journalism [est. 2002]
American Economics Assn. [est. 1885]
Economists For Peace and Security [est. 1989]: in USAin Europe

Spirit of America Bookstore's
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences [est. 1968] Page

Jerome Levy Economics Institute [est. 1986] of Bard College in New York

online info from C.C.H., taken over by Wolters Kluwer       The Motley Fool [est. 1993] might provide useful stock tips, but their website and emails make the customer sit thru videos that waste half an hour or more before revealing the punchline

Investopedia [dot] com: your guide to investing & personal finance            American Economic Assn. [est. 1885, incorp. 1923]
AEA's EconLit site
           Macat Library Series from Simon Fraser University & Routledge/Taylor & Francis
The Macat Library Series: Great Works For Critical Thinking
Macat Library Series homepage at Routledge/Taylor & Francis
search books on keywords 'macat+library' at Amazon

The Center for Economic and Policy Research [est. 1999] in Washington, DC      The Centre for Economic Policy Research [] in London, U.K.           invitation-only World Economic Forum Conference [Jan 2013 = #43] in Davos, Switzerland

Economic Policy Institute of Washington, DC      Economic Policy Institute of Washington, DC
Economic Policy Institute blog 'Working Economics' [launched 9/2011]

U.S.  Federal  Reserve  Board

Working Minds Philosophy ezine Essay #54: "F*** The Fed", Sept 2005

"Dismantling The Temple" article by Wm. Greider in The Nation Magazine, Aug 2009

Federal Reserve Board website
Federal Reserve entry at Wikipedia

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's
U.S. Federal Reserve Page

"Capitalism is the creation of jobs and products and services."
— G.E. Nordell

WMail ezine Issue #40: "Paleo-Capitalism" [Feb 2004]

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Capitalism Page
{ the Capitalism and Wall Street pages were combined until mid-2015, when it grew overlarge and they were split }

Wall  Street
"We've created a [market] system based on witchcraft."
— mutual fund pioneer John Bogle

WMail ezine Issue #18: "The Stock Market Casino" [Dec 2001]

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Wall Street Page
{ the Capitalism and Wall Street pages were combined until mid-2015, when it grew overlarge and they were split }

Classic  Works  on  Economics

... including works by Fanon, Friedman, Galbraith, Hayek, Heilbroner, Keynes, Malkiel,
Menger, Ayn Rand, Samuelson, Adam Smith, Veblen, von Mises, and others

click here for page 3

The Economics Book from D.K. Publishing  "The Economics Book (Big Ideas Simply Explained)" [2012]
from the Editors of D.K. Publishing

D.K. Adult 9½x8 hardcover [8/2012] for $15.99

Recent  Works  on  Economics
click here for page 2

'Economics or Else!' Pages at Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore

here on Page One:  top of page      economists + A to G + H to Z      links    • •    on Page Two:  recent works on economics

on Page Three:  top of page      classic works on economics      Dummies/Idiots series      periodicals      other media

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Capitalism Page

Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's Wall Street Page

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Maison d'Être Philosophy Bookstore's U.S. Federal Reserve Page

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