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"The Shadow"
Radio & Books & Movies

'The Shadow' common illustration - firing two guns           short history

radio show

stories & books

movies & TV
works not related

other media

works about The Shadow

about the author

principal characters


"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men . . . The Shadow does!"
— radio announcer

          t e x t
          h e r e

'The Shadow' entry at Wikipedia
Walter B. Gibson entry at Wikipedia
browse books at the Walter B. Gibson Store at Amazon
search videos/DVDs on keywords 'walter+b.+gibson' at Amazon
Walter B. Gibson credits at Internet Movie Database

The  Radio  Show
radio programs section on 'The Shadow' page at Wikipedia
list of 'The Shadow' radio episodes at Wikipedia

±                  ±
"The Shadow" radio program  [1931 to 1954]
ad for 'The Shadow' radio show in Portland, NY  ad for 'The Shadow' radio show on station WOR, NYC circa 1950     
mostly written by Walter B. Gibson,
using the pen name 'Maxwell Grant';
Orson Welles [1915-85] acted the part
on radio from 1937-38
DR's Shadow fansite redirects to Facebook
'The Shadow: Master of Darkness' fansite
     ad for 'The Shadow' radio show - See your newspaper for time and station
★     ★

The Shadow Chronicles   "The Shadow Chronicles" [1996] from Radio Spirits
2 episodes starring Orson Welles; 3 episodes starring Bill Johnstone; 2 episodes
starring Bret Morrison; 1 episode starring John Archer — plus 1-hour audio
documentary & 56-page booklet
Radio Spirits audio CD [1/2006] for $35.96
Radio Spirits audio cassettes [9/96] 5 tapes for $19.99
The Shadow radio program   "The Shadow: Rare Gems" [1998] from Radio Spirits
Radio Spirits audio CD [1/2006] 3 disks for $29.95
Radio Spirits audio CD box set [2/2003] for $17.98
Radio Spirits audio cassette [1/98] for $34.98
The Shadow Greatest Radio Adventures  "The Shadow: Greatest Radio Adventures" [2002] from Radio Spirits
total 40 episodes {20 hours}: 8 episodes starring Orson Welles; 15 episodes
starring Bill Johnstone; 17 episodes starring Bret Morrison
Radio Spirits audio CD box set [7/2002] 20 disks & booklet for $69.98
The Shadow Lost Shows  
"The Shadow: The Lost Shows" [2006] from Radio Spirits
1 episode starring Orson Welles; 3 episodes starring Bill Johnstone;
4 episodes starring Bret Morrison; 2 episodes starring Albert Bester
Radio Spirits audio CD box set [1/2006] 5 disks for $39.95
The Shadow Weird Adventures radio episodes album on nine CDs  "The Shadow: Weird Adventures - Classic Radio Suspense" [2010]
Radio Spirits audio CD set [3/2010] 9 disks - out of prodn/used
18 radio episodes featuring four of the outstanding actors who portrayed 'The Shadow': Orson Welles, Bill Johnstone, John Archer, and Bret Morrison and eight actresses who portrayed risk-taking heroine and damsel-in-distress Margot Lane: Margot Stevenson, Agnes Moorehead, Marjorie Anderson, Judith Allen, Leslie Woods, Grace Matthews, Amzie Strickland, and Gertrude Warner; the two recently-found 'lost' Orson Welles episodes are "The Reincarnation of Michael" [7/17/1938] and "Professor X" [9/18/1938]; the 18 episodes here were broadcast from 5/1935 to 6/1954; includes program guide by radio historian William Nadel, with photographs

'The Shadow' Old Time Radio from Hexagon Tech  "The Shadow Old Time Radio" on CD [2021] Compiled by Hexagon Tech
twenty radio episodes from 2/1938 to 3/1948
Hexagon Tech CD [5/2011] 10 disks for $44.90
'The Shadow' Old Time Radio from Hexagon Tech  "The Shadow Old Time Radio" on CD [2021] Compiled by Hexagon Tech
eighteen radio episodes from 9/1937 to 11/1947
Hexagon Tech CD [3/2021] 8 disks for $35.00
'The Shadow' Old Time Radio Complete Collection from Hexagon Tech  "The Shadow Old Time Radio Complete Collection" on DVD-ROM or USB thumb drive [2021] Compiled by Hexagon Tech
'all surviving' 281 radio episodes from 9/1937 to 8/1951
Hexagon Tech MP-3 files on DVD [3/2021] for $12.95
Hexagon Tech MP-3 files on USB thumb drive [3/2021] for $26.00

Stories  &  Books
'The Shadow' entry at Wikipedia

Fame & Fortune Magazine Feb 1929 issue 'The Shadow of Wall Street'   surprise predecessor "The Shadow of Wall Street" [Feb 1929]
by Frank S. Lawton (real name George C. Jenks [1850-1939])

Street & Smith [1855-1959] twice-monthly pulp magazine Fame and Fortune [1928-29] published the cover story "The Shadow of Wall Street" in February 1929, a full year before the "Detective Story Hour" radio show (debut July 1930) and a full two years before "The Shadow Magazine" (debut April 1931); this story has an up-and-coming stockbroker getting mixed up in secret meetings by evil stock manipulators, often rescued by a masked intruder who turns out to be his boss
Adventure House 10x7 facsimile pb [2/1929] for $14.95
★     ★     ★     ★     ★

The first issue of "The Shadow Magazine" went on sale 1 April 1931.
list of 'The Shadow' stories at Wikipedia
publisher Street & Smith [1855-1959] entry at Wikipedia

History of The Shadow Magazine book by Will Murray  "The Duende History of The Shadow Magazine" [1980]
by pop culture historian & novelist Will Murray

includes essays about the magazine, interior illustrations, and first publication
of the last 'Shadow' story written by Walter B. Gibson, "Blackmail Bay"

Odyssey Publns pb [12/80] out of print/scarce
Odyssey Publns pb [12/80] out of print/scarce
"Duende History of The Shadow Magazine - Addendum" [1980]
Odyssey Publns staple-bound pages [3/80] out of print/scarce

early ad for 'The Shadow Magazine' by Street & Smith         later ad for 'The Shadow Magazine' by Street & Smith         wide ad for 'The Shadow Magazine' by Street & Smith

'The Shadow' Magazine issue #2         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #5         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #11         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #15         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #23

'The Shadow' Magazine issue #51         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #89         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #91         'The Shadow' Magazine issue #95         'The Shadow' Magazine super-sized issue #100

★     ★     ★     ★     ★

Weird Adventures of The Shadow book by Walter B. Gibson  "The Weird Adventures of The Shadow" [1966]
by Walter B. Gibson (alias 'Maxwell Grant')

Anthology/collection contains three stories, versions heavily edited for use in
Street & Smith's prior "The Shadow Annuals": "Grove of Doom" [#37 9/1933],
"Murder By Moonlight" [#274 12/1943], and "Voodoo Death" [#280 6/1944]

Grosset & Dunlap hardcover [1966] out of print/used
'The Shadow and the Golden Master' book by Walter Brown Gibson  "The Shadow and The Golden Master: Two Complete Novels" [1984]
by Walter B. Gibson (aka 'Maxwell Grant')

hardcover anthology that reprinted the first two appearances of Shiwan Khan:
"The Golden Master" (#182) and "Shiwan Khan Returns" (#187); later Dover
Books reprint in paperback not found on Amazon

Mysterious Press hardcover [8/84] out of print/used
Mysterious Press hardcover [8/84] out of print/used
Private Files of the Shadow graphic novel by Dennis O'Neil & Mike Kaluta  "The Private Files of The Shadow" [1989]
Written by Dennis O'Neil, Illustrated by Michael William 'Mike' Kaluta

graphic novel with original stories & fantastic artwork
128-page DC Comics hardcover [1989] out of print/used
★     ★     ★     ★     ★

logo for Dark Horse Comics and their 35th Anniversary
During the early 1990s, Dark Horse Comics [est. 1986] acquired the rights to "The Shadow" from Condι Nast.

The Shadow In the Coils of Leviathan mini-book-series from Dark Horse Comics  "The Shadow: In the Coils of Leviathan" [1994]
4-part comic book mini-series written by Joel Goss & Michael Kaluta and drawn by Gary Gianni

An insatiable subterranean menace is haunting New York City, slicing & burning anyone caught in the sewers at the wrong time; suspects include a lady evangelist, her beautiful daughter, a monomaniacal scientist, his ambitious assistant, murderous jewel thieves, and Russian spies — only the Shadow knows!
Dark Horse 10½x6¾ pb [1998] out of print/used
Dark Horse 10½x6¾ pb [10/94] out of print/used
Issue #1: Dark Horse Comics pb [5/93] out of print/used
Issue #2: Dark Horse Comics pb [12/93] for $19.95
Issue #2: Dark Horse Comics pb [12/93] for $39.95
Issue #3: Dark Horse Comics pb [1/94] out of print/used
Issue #4: Dark Horse Comics pb [4/94] out of print/used
The Shadow: Hell's Heat Wave comic book mini-series from Dark Horse Comics  "The Shadow: Hell's Heat Wave" [1995]
3-part comic book mini-series written by Joel Goss & Michael Kaluta and drawn by Gary Gianni

There's a long trail of cold stiffs leading to a safe-deposit box in a downtown New York City bank . . .
Issue #1: Dark Horse Comics pb [4/95] out of print/used
Issue #1: Dark Horse Comics pb [4/95] out of print/used
Issue #2: Dark Horse Comics pb [1995] out of print/used
Issue #3: Dark Horse Comics pb [1995] out of print/scarce
The Shadow and The Mysterious Three comic book from Dark Horse Comics  "The Shadow and The Mysterious Three" [Fall 1994]
As Told To Joel Goss & Michael Kaluta, Art by Stan Manoukian & Vince Roucher

three 'Shadow' adventures in one comic: "Cold Day in Hell" (four thugs, one crooked sheriff, and a million dollars in an abandoned mountain lodge); "Ceiling Zero" (a madman's demented revenge scheme to kidnap his enemies and hold them hostage in an airplane to nowhere); and "Fate's Free Fall" (a murder disguised as a suicide leads The Shadow after a guilt-racked denizen of the underworld known as the Weasel)
Dark Horse Comics pb [9/94] for $12.97
Dark Horse Comics pb [9/94] out of print/used
The Shadow Movie Adaptation graphic novel Part 1  The Shadow Movie Adaptation graphic novel Part 2  A comics adaptation of the Universal Pictures 1994 film "The Shadow" was published in two issues by Dark Horse as part of the movie's merchandising campaign; the adaptation was by Joel Goss & Michael Kaluta, drawn by Kaluta; a combined movie tie-in graphic novel was published in England by Boxtree for the film's British release; The Shadow races against time as arch-villain Shiwan Khan plans kidnap the scientist Reinhardt Lane (father of Margo Lane) and destroy New York City with Lane's superbomb; to save New York, The Shadow must first track down Shiwan Khan - but can The Shadow defeat a foe whose power to cloud men's minds is equal to his own?
"The Shadow Movie Adaptation, Part 1" [June 1994]
not found on Amazon, nor elsewhere (9/2021)
"The Shadow Movie Adaptation, Part 2" [July 1994]
Dark Horse Comics pb [7/94] out of print/used
"The Shadow Movie Adaptation" [U.K. Sept 1994]
64-page Pan Macmillan/Boxtree pb [9/94] out of print/used
74-page double issue available as free online flip-book at Internet Archive

The Shadow and Doc Savage / Shrieking Skeletons graphic novel Part 1  The Shadow and Doc Savage / Shrieking Skeletons graphic novel Part 2  "The Shadow and Doc Savage: The Case of The Shrieking Skeletons" [1995]
2-issue series written by Steve Vance, Art by Stan Manoukian & Vince Roucher; covers for both issues were drawn by "Rocketeer" creator Dave Stevens; a gorgeous dame in New York City narrowly escapes the rotting clutches of zombie-esque creatures & ape-like men, sending the bronze-skinned superman Doc Savage to investigate, and the trail of corpses points to ... The Shadow!
neither issue found on Amazon, nor elsewhere (9/2021)
54-page double issue available as free online flip-book at Internet Archive

Ghost and The Shadow 1995 graphic novel from Dark Horse Comics  "Ghost and The Shadow" graphic novel [1995]
Written by Doug Moench, Pencilled by H.M. Baker, Inked by Bernard Kolle

One-shot crossover comic; set in modern times: The Shadow is thawed out to help
Ghost deal with a mysterious jade idol and the Chinese Goddess of Death

Dark Horse Comics pb [1995] out of print/scarce
available as free 26-page online flip-book at Internet Archive
★     ★     ★     ★     ★

Dynamite Entertainment licensed the publication rights to "The Shadow" in 2012, and released a series of new issues written by
Howard Chaykin, Garth Ennis, Victor Gischler & Matt Wagner, and drawn by Aaron Campbell, Howard Chaykin & Matt Wagner
search Dynamite website on keywords 'the shadow'

In 2014, Dark Horse Comics collaborated with Dynamite Entertainment to publish a "Grendel vs. The Shadow" trilogy
written and drawn by legendary 'Grendel' creator Matt Wagner

'Grendel vs. The Shadow' book 1 by Matt Wagner  storyline unclear, except that the two pulp noir icons battle each other
Issue #1: Kindle Edition from Dark Horse Comics [10/2015] for $1.99
Issue #1: Dark Horse Comics [2014] out of print/used
Issue #1: Dark Horse Comics 10½x7 hardcover [6/2015] for $19.37
Issue #2: Kindle Edition from Dark Horse Comics [10/2015] for $1.99
Issue #2: Dark Horse Comics pb [10/2014] for $6.99
Issue #3: Kindle Edition from Dark Horse Comics [10/2015] for $1.99
Issue #3: Dark Horse Comics pb [2014] out of print/used
3-book bundle in Kindle format - no price break, coded here for convenience
Kindle Edition from comiXology Unlimited [2014] 3 ebooks for $5.97

★     ★     ★     ★     ★

Anthony Tollin's Nostalgia Ventures & Sanctum Books new authorized reprints of The Shadow and Doc Savage!
publisher homepage

★     ★     ★     ★     ★
The Shadow mystery novel series reboot  7/2020
Announced July 2020: Author James Patterson and Hachette's Little, Brown & Co. imprint are reviving "The Shadow" in a new original book series,
with potential for feature films; publisher Condι Nast owns the rights, thru its Street & Smith [1855-1959] pulp fiction subsidiary.

terrible The Shadow reboot novel by James Patterson & Brian Sitts  "The Shadow: A Novel" reboot book [2021] by James Patterson & Brian Sitts
Story begins nicely in the 1930s but then goes off the rails by throwing Lamont Cranston and his lady love Margo Lane 150 years into the future and altering Cranston's personality by saying that prior tales were fakery !! • Reviewers on Amazon say: "If you are a Shadow fan or a fan of good books . . . avoid this book at all costs" — and this proprietor agrees
Kindle Edition from Grand Central Publng [7/2021] for $11.99
Grand Central Publng mass pb [DUE April 2022] for $9.99
Arrow 7¾x5 pb [7/2021] for $10.26
Grand Central Publng 8½x6 hardcover [7/2021] for $22.99

★     ★     ★     ★     ★

The Shadow 80th Anniversary Commemorative 4-pack  "The Shadow 80th Anniversary Commemorative Collection" 4-pack [2012]
by Maxwell Grant (Walter B. Gibson)

"More than 500 pages of pulp action and historical features!": eight thrilling pulp stories - "The Voodoo Master" (3/1936), "The Chinese Disks" (11/1934), "Crime, Insured" (7/1937), "The Golden Vulture" (7/1938) co-written by Lester Dent, "The Hydra" (12/1942), "Malmordo" (7/1946), "The Murder Master" (2/1938), "The Red Blot" (3/1933), and surprise predecessor "The Shadow of Wall Street" (2/1929) by Frank S. Lawton
Sanctum pb [2012] out of print/SOLD OUT!

Movies  &  Television
search on keywords 'the-shadow' at Internet Movie Database
Walter B. Gibson credits at Internet Movie Database
'The Shadow Movies' disambiguation page at 'The Shadow Wiki' fansite

The Shadow Movie Collection DVD-R box set  "The Shadow Movie Collection, 1937-58" DVD-R Box Set [2010]
Nostalgia Merchant DVD-R set [2010] 8 disks - not found on Amazon (9/2021)
NOTE: Nostalgia Merchant website is temporarily offline (9/2021)
contains 8 b&w films on 8 disks: "The Shadow Strikes" [1937], "International Crime" [1938],
"The Shadow" 15-chapter movie serial starring Victor Jory [1940], "The Shadow Returns"
[1946], "Behind The Mask" [1946], "The Missing Lady" [1946], "The Shadow" TV pilot
[1954], and "Invisible Avenger" [1958]
The Shadow Films Collection DVD-R box set  "The Shadow Films Collection, 1937-58" [2017]
oneSmedia Region 0 {sic} b&w DVD-R [2/2017] 7 disks for $37.00  possibly PAL format only
contains 8 b&w films on 6 disks: same films as on Nostalgia Merchant box set {just above}; mention of
14 of the radio shows from the Orson Welles run and the 1994 movie on a bonus disk is unverified
·                         ·

Universal's famous 'Shadow' Detective Stories sound short film series, 1931-32
designed like the early radio shows: The Shadow acts merely as host or commentator, so shadowy figures are projected every so often
with a menacing voice forecasting what is to come or just repeating a clichι such as 'crime does not pay'

title card for Hastings Mystery Theater triple 'Shadow' shorts  "Hastings Mystery Theater: The Shadow" 3 short films [Sept 2020]
color intro by host Randall Schaefer to 2:33, then "A Burglar To The Rescue" [1931]; the second film at 24:25 is "House of Mystery" [1931]; and the third film at 40:25 is "The Circus Show-Up" [1932]
watch 3 b&w short films [9/2020 upload; 59:52] online at YouTube
'A Burglar To The Rescue' of the 'Shadow' Detective Stories short film series  "A Burglar To The Rescue" 2-reeler [Bryan Foy Prodns/Universal Pictures Sept 1931]
Filmed in New York City; a bank president has been stealing from the bank; one night, as he is working on the books to cover his crimes, a visitor arrives with a gun and reveals that he is the former employee of the bank who was railroaded to prison to cover the crooked banker's crime; he has recently escaped from prison and is seeking revenge . . . • Produced by Carl Laemmle, Bryan Foy & Stanley Bergerman; co-written & directed by George Cochrane; co-written by Herman Landon; starring Thurston Hall, Charlotte Wynters, Frank Shannon, Arthur Aylesworth, Frank Readick {as voice of The Shadow}
credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive
'Trapped' of the 'Shadow' Detective Stories short film series  "Trapped" 2-reeler [Bryan Foy Prodns/Universal Pictures Oct 1931]
Plot involves a female reporter • Produced by Carl Laemmle, Bryan Foy & Stanley Bergerman; co-written & directed by Kurt Neumann; co-written by Robert F. Hill; adapted from the short story "The Cat's Paw" by Ray Humphreys; starring Lina Basquette, Stanley Fields, James Murray, Jason Robards Sr., DeWitt Jennings, Joseph North, Dorothy Vernon, midget John George, Frank Readick {as voice of The Shadow}
credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive
'Sealed Lips' of the 'Shadow' Detective Stories short film series  "Sealed Lips" 2-reeler [Bryan Foy Prodns/Universal Pictures Nov 1931]
Plot details unclear • Produced by Carl Laemmle, Bryan Foy & Stanley Bergerman; directed by Kurt Neumann; scenario by Samuel Freedman, based on the short story "Dying Lips" by Donald Van Riper; starring Josephine Dunn, E.H. Calvert, Walter Miller, Willard Hall, Joseph W. Girard, Carl Miller, Frank Readick {as voice of The Shadow}
credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive
'House of Mystery' of the 'Shadow' Detective Stories short film series  "House of Mystery" 2-reeler [Bryan Foy Prodns/Universal Pictures Dec 1931]
While hunting in the woods with a pal, the sheriff discovers a dead young woman in a remote cabin; he proceeds to press the wealthy owner for an explanation . . . • Produced by Carl Laemmle, Bryan Foy & Stanley Bergerman; directed by Kurt Neumann; screenplay by Samuel Freedman, based on the short story "House of Death" by Judson. P. Philips; starring James Durkin, Wilfred Lucas, Leyland Hodgson, Frank Austin, Geneva Mitchell, Eddie Phillips, Bernard Stone, Frank Readick {as voice of The Shadow}
credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive
'The Red Shadow' of the 'Shadow' Detective Stories short film series  "The Red Shadow" 2-reeler [Bryan Foy Prodns/Universal Pictures Jan 1932]
Plot details unclear • Produced by Carl Laemmle, Bryan Foy & Stanley Bergerman; directed by Kurt Neumann; written by Ronald Everson & Frank Bowers; starring Harriet Lorraine, Walter Miller, Walter McGrail, Norman Stuart, Ernie Adams, Frank Readick {as voice of The Shadow}
full credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive
'The Circus Show-Up' of the 'Shadow' Detective Stories short film series  "The Circus Show-Up" [Bryan Foy Prodns/Universal Pictures Feb 1932]
The circus trapeze artist falls to her death when someone flips the light switch just as she starts her famed triple somersault; the circus manager takes only about fifteen minutes to prove that the obvious suspect was the guilty one • Directed by Lewis Seiler; written by Harold Tarshis & Leslie T. White; starring Sally Blane, Russell Hopton, Paul Nicholson, William Halligan, Polly Ann Young, Neely Edwards, David Leo Tillotson, Allan Forrest, Martin Faust, midget John George, Frank Readick {as voice of The Shadow}
credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive

"The Shadow Strikes" feature film [Grand National Films Oct 1937]
'The Shadow Strikes' 1937 feature film starring Rod La Rocque  Lamont Granston {sic} assumes his secret identity as 'The Shadow' to break up an attempted robbery at an attorney's office; when the police search the scene, Granston assumes the identity of the attorney; before he can leave, a phone call summons the attorney to the home of Delthiern, a wealthy client who wants a new will drawn up; as Granston meets with him, Delthiern is suddenly shot, and Granston is quickly caught up in a new mystery • Presented by Edward L. Alperson; produced by Arthur & Max Alexander; directed by Lynn Shores; adapted by Al Martin & Rex Taylor, based on the short story "The Ghost of the Manor" (6/1933) by Walter B. Gibson (as Maxwell Grant); starring Rod La Rocque, Agnes Anderson/Lynn Anders, James Blakeley, Walter McGrail, William/Bill Kellogg, Cy Kendall, Kenneth Harlan, Norman Ainsley, John St. Polis, Wilson Benge, John Carnivale, James C. Morton, John Dilson, John Elliott, Harry Harvey, Lew Hicks, Jack Ingram, Bob Reeves, Blackie Whiteford
Alpha Video b&w DVD [9/2003] for $10.93
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
watch full movie [4/2008 upload; 1:01:40] online at Internet Archive
original tale published as 80 pages of "The Shadow Magazine" Issue #32 (15 June 1933)
Street & Smith magazine [6/1933] out of print/used
Street & Smith magazine [6/1933] out of print/used

"International Crime" sequel feature film [Grand National Films April 1938]
'International Crime' 1938 feature film starring Rod La Rocque  
'International Crime' 1938 feature film starring Rod La Rocque - blue DVD cover  
Naive reporter Phoebe Lane brings her boss Lamont Cranston a tip that turns out to be a ruse, so that the crooks will not be pursued after an explosive-rigged safe kills a banker . . . • Presented by Edward L. Alperson; produced by Arthur & Max Alexander; directed by Charles Lamont; screenplay by Jack Natteford & John W. Krafft, based on the short story "Fox Hound" by Theodore A. Tinsley (as Maxwell Grant); starring Rod La Rocque, Astrid Allwyn, Thomas E. Jackson, Oscar O'Shea, Lew Hearn, Wilhelm von Brincken, Tenen Holtz, William Pawley, Peter Potter/Wm. Moore, John St. Polis, Jack Baxley, Walter Bonn, Harry C. Bradley, Will Stanton, Ernie Adams, Jack Cheatham, Jack Chefe, Kernan Cripps, Lester Dorr, Edward Hearn, James C. Morton, Frank Nelson, Paul Panzer, Harry Semels, Nick Stewart, Lloyd Whitlock, Robert J. Wilke
Alpha Video b&w DVD [9/2003] for $5.99
Reel Vault b&w DVD [7/2015] out of prodn/used
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
watch {nicest} full movie [10/2015 upload; 1:03:56] online at YouTube
watch full movie [6/2020 upload; 1:03:43] online at YouTube
watch full movie [6/2004 upload; 1:03:55] online at Internet Archive
original tale "Fox Hound Battles The Law" published in "The Shadow Magazine" Issue #118 (15 Jan 1937)
Street & Smith magazine [1/1937] out of print/used

The Shadow Double Feature on DVD  "The Shadow" DVD Double Feature: "The Shadow Strikes"
& "International Crime" [2003]

Marengo Films b&w DVD [11/2003] for $9.99
contains 2 b&w feature films: "The Shadow Strikes" [1937] starring
Rod La Rocque & Agnes Anderson/Lynn Anders and "International
Crime" [1938] starring Rod La Rocque & Astrid Allwyn

"The Shadow" 15-chapter movie serial [Columbia Pictures Jan 1940]
The Shadow 1940 15-chapter movie serial starring Victor Jory  The plot begins with dynamited railroads, wrecked airplanes, and blown-up industrial plants, bringing The Shadow into battle with a villain known as The Black Tiger, who has the power to make himself invisible and is trying to take over the world with his death ray. Chapter Titles: 1) The Doomed City, 2) The Shadow Attacks, 3) The Shadow's Peril, 4) In The Tiger's Lair, 5) Danger Above, 6) The Shadow's Trap, 7) Where Horror Waits, 8) The Shadow Rides The Rails, 9) The Devil In White, 10) The Underground Trap, 11) Chinatown Night, 12) Murder By Remote Control, 13) Wheels of Death, 14) The Sealed Room, and 15) The Shadow's Net Closes • Produced by Larry Darmour; directed by James W. Horne; written by Joseph F. Poland, Ned Dandy & Joseph O'Donnell, based upon stories in "The Shadow Magazine" by Walter B. Gibson; starring Victor Jory, Veda Ann Borg, Roger Moore, Robert Fiske, John Paul Jones, Jack Ingram, Chuck Hamilton, Edward Peil Sr., Frank LaRue, Richard Cramer {as the voice of The Black Tiger}, Philip Ahn, Griff Barnett, Dick Botiller, Budd Buster, Joe Caits, Horace B. Carpenter, Hal Cooke, Kernan Cripps, Franklyn Farnum, Eddie Fetherston, Charles K. French, Frank Hagney, Gordon Hart, Lloyd Ingraham, Jack Kennedy, Edward LeSaint, Tom London, Jack Low, Sam Lufkin, Mary MacLaren, Murdock MacQuarrie, Jack Rice, Marin Sais, Lee Shumway
Mill Creek Ent./Columbia Pictures b&w DVD [2013] for $12.99
full credits at IMDb • serial entry at Wikipedia
watch playlist of all 15 chapters [7/2020 upload] online at YouTube
watch Chapter 1 [30:43] online at YouTube • Chapter 2 [20:27] online at YouTube • Chapter 3 [21:02] online at YouTube
watch Chapter 4 [18:02] online at YouTube • Chapter 5 [18:52] online at YouTube • Chapter 6 [18:14] online at YouTube
watch Chapter 7 [15:58] online at YouTube • Chapter 8 [17:46] online at YouTube • Chapter 9 [19:09] online at YouTube
watch Chapter 10 [18:00] online at YouTube • Chapter 11 [17:40] online at YouTube • Chapter 12 [17:51] online at YouTube
watch Chapter 13 [17:51] online at YouTube • Chapter 14 [17:16] online at YouTube • Chapter 15 [17:15] online at YouTube

"The Shadow Returns" [Monogram Pictures Feb 1946]
The Shadow Returns 1946 feature film starring Kane Richmond & Barbara Read  'Lame comedy mixed in with jewel thieves and murder' • Produced by Joe Kaufmann; directed by Phil Rosen & William Beaudine; original screenplay by George Callahan; characters created by Walter B. Gibson; starring Kane Richmond, Barbara Read, Tom Dugan, Joseph Crehan, Pierre Watkin, Robert Emmett Keane, Frank Reicher, Lester Dorr, Rebel Randall, Emmett Vogan, Sherry Hall, Cyril Delevanti, Ernie Adams, Noble 'Kid' Chissell, Eddie Parker, Brick Sullivan
Reel Vault b&w DVD [7/2015] for $5.99
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
watch full movie [12/2013 upload; 59:19] online at Internet Archive
watch full movie [5/2011 upload; 58:18] online at Internet Archive

"The Shadow: Behind The Mask" [Monogram Pictures May 1946]
The Shadow / Behind The Mask 1946 feature film starring Kane Richmond & Barbara Read  Lamont Cranston is blamed for the murder of a blackmailing reporter Jeff Mann; the real murderer seems one step ahead of him as he tries to solve each further murder, and he is continually hampered from gaining crucial evidence by his jealous, interfering fiancιe Margo Lane • Produced by Joe Kaufmann; directed by Phil Karlson & William Beaudine; written by Arthur Hoerl & George Callahan, based on stories by Walter B. Gibson (as Maxwell Grant); starring Kane Richmond, Barbara Read, George Chandler, Dorothea Kent, Joseph Crehan, Pierre Watkin, Robert Shayne, June Clyde, James Cardwell, Marjorie Hoshelle, Joyce Compton, Edward Gargan, Lou Crosby, Bill Christy, Nancy Brinckman, Dewey Robinson, Jean Carlin, Laura Stevens, Ruth Cherrington, Kernan Cripps, Marie Harmon, Christine McIntyre, James Notaro, Eddie Parker, William Ruhl
Grapevine Video b&w DVD [10/2018] for $8.99
M.G.M Home Video b&w DVD-R [10/2011] for $19.99
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia

"The Shadow: The Missing Lady" [Monogram Pictures Aug 1946]
The Shadow / The Missing Lady 1946 feature film starring Kane Richmond & Barbara Read  A jade statue of Kwan Lin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy (the 'missing lady'), is stolen and its owner killed; Lamont Cranston, alias the Shadow, sets out to catch the killer but is blamed for the murders himself as each time he inter-views a suspect they are soon found dead . . . • Co-Produced by Joe Kaufmann; original screenplay & co-produced by George Callahan; directed by Phil Karlson; characters created by Walter B. Gibson; starring Kane Richmond, Barbara Read, George Chandler, James Flavin, Pierre Watkin, Dorothea Kent, James Cardwell, Claire Carleton, Jack Overman, Jo-Carroll Dennison, Frances Robinson, Almira Sessions, Nora Cecil, George J. Lewis, Dewey Robinson, Ray Teal, Douglas Wood, Hank Worden, Anthony Warde, Bert Roach, Ted Billings, Eddie Dunn, George Lessey, Tom Plank • full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • Amazon Instant Video [9/2015]   {blocked in USA}
watch full movie [2/2021 upload; 59:42] online at YouTube

"The Shadow: Case of The Cotton Kimona" TV pilot [1954]
screen shot of Tom Helmore & Paula Raymond in 'The Shadow' 1954 TV pilot  Lamont Cranston is on retainer as a psychiatrist to the police; they ask for his help solving the death by gunshot of a beautiful office worker {only Margo Lane knows that Lamont is The Shadow} • Produced by Nathan Kroll & Willson Tuttle; directed by Charles F. Haas; written by Peter Barry; starring Tom Helmore {as Lamont Cranston}, Paula Raymond {as Margot Lane}, Frank M. Thomas, Alexander Scourby, Norman Shelly, William Smithers, Leona Powers, Peggy Lobbin
available on the "Lost Crime Shows, Volume 1" DVD along with "The Bogus Green" [1951], "Chicago 2-1-2" [April 1957] starring Frank Lovejoy {as Fire Inspector Ed McCook}, and "Unsolved" [1960]
Alpha Video b&w DVD [3/2008] for $6.97
also available on the "150 TV Episodes" DVD box set below
episode credits at IMDb • watch full b&w episode [25:14] online at Vimeo

"The Shadow: Invisible Avenger" [Republic Pictures Dec 1958]
The Shadow / Invisible Avenger 1958 feature  Two TV pilot episodes starring Richard Derr as 'The Shadow' were produced and never aired; they were compiled into a 60-minute B-movie and released as a theatrical film that depicts Lamont Cranston investigating the murder of a New Orleans bandleader and protecting a Latin American revolutionary leader; cinematographer James Wong Howe [1899-1976] directed one of the two unaired episodes, his second directorial work (of two) • Directed by James Wong Howe, Ben Parker & John Sledge; starring Richard Derr, Mark Daniels, Helen Westcott, Jack Donner, Jeanne Neher, Steve Dano, Dan Mullin, Leo Bruno, Lee Edwards, Sam Page, Jan Carr • credits at IMDb
Alpha Video b&w DVD [1/2003] for $6.98
also available on the "150 TV Episodes" DVD box set below
watch full movie - sides cropped [8/2011 upload; 56:42] online at Internet Archive
re-released as "Bourbon Street Shadows" [M.P.A. Films 1962] with additional 'more adult' footage
watch official trailer [8/2018 upload; 1:39] online at YouTube

"Thwarted" short [indep June 1991]
A strange vigilante known as The Shadow faces a sinister thief named The Unknown; last film by Lana Turner! [1921-95]
Produced, written & directed by Jeremy Hummer; characters credited to Walter B. Gibson & Chester Gould
credits at IMDb • no listing found at Amazon or YouTube or Internet Archive

"The Shadow" feature film [Universal Pictures July 1994]
'The Shadow' 1994 feature film starring Alec Baldwin  
'The Shadow' 1994 feature film starring Alec Baldwin  
Plot pieced together from several pulp stories featuring arch-villain Shiwan Khan • Produced by Rolf Deyhle, Louis A. Stroller and Martin & Michael Bregman; directed by Russell Mulcahy; written by David Koepp, from stories & characters created by Walter B. Gibson; music composed by Jerry Goldsmith; starring Alec Baldwin, John Lone {as Shiwan Khan}, Penelope Ann Miller, Peter Boyle, Ian McKellen, Tim Curry, Jonathan Winters, Sab Shimono, Andre Gregory, Brady Tsurutani, James Hong, Arsenio 'Sonny' Trinidad, Joseph Maher, John Kapelos, Max Wright, Aaron Lustig, Ethan Phillips, Sinoa (Loren), Rudolph Willrich, Verlon Edwards, Wesley Mann, Joe D'Angerio, Larry Joshua, Larry Hankin, Fred Sanders, Alix Elias, Abraham Benrubi, Steve Hytner, Lily Mariye, Patrick Fischler, Jeff Cahill, John L. Weaver, Kate McGregor-Stewart, Michael Hadge, Roland Brown, Jimmy Taenaka, Bruce Locke, Anzu Lawson, Tera Tabrizi, Donna Lew, Chi-en Telemaque, Kathy Lee Doherty, Raul Reformina, James Alan Gilliam, Linda Atkinson, Keith A. Wester, Frank Welker (voice), Phillip Borsos, Kacee DeMasi, Barry Dennen (voice), Annette Goodman, Lee Grossman, Marshal Silverman, Robert Trebor
Universal Pictures Home Ent. widescreen color Blu-ray [6/2013] for $9.99
Universal Pictures Home Ent. color DVD [9/2015] for $9.99
Umbrella, AU Region 0 color DVD [8/2019] for $18.85
Universal Pictures Home Ent. color DVD [2/99] out of prodn/used
Universal Pictures Home Ent. color VHS [8/95] out of prodn/used
Arista Records soundtrack CD [7/94] 2 voice tracks, 11 music tracks - out of prodn/used
B.M.G. Music soundtrack cassette [7/94] out of prodn/used
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
watch official trailers online at YouTube: 'back story' trailer #1 [4/2011 upload; 1:59] • trailer #2 [12/2011 upload; 1:57]
watch {sloppy} "The Making of..." short film [2/2021 upload; 9:25] online at YouTube
The Shadow 1994 movie tie-in novelization by James Luceno  
novelization by James Luceno, based on the screenplay by David Koepp
many elements from other Shadow storylines added here to the movie screenplay story
Ivy Books movie tie-in mass pb [6/94] out of print/used
Ivy Books movie tie-in mass pb [6/94] out of print/used

Rumored in late 2006: Sam Raimi was going to make a film involving several Street & Smith pulp heroes,
including "The Shadow", "The Avenger", and "Doc Savage"; a screenplay was supposedly written by Siavash Farahani;
since then, no other news has surfaced with regards to this script.

'Classic Sci-Fi TV 150 Episodes' DVD box set  "Classic Sci-Fi TV: 150 Episodes" DVD Box Set [2009]
Mill Creek Ent. DVD set [1/2009] 12 disks for $11.45
includes 150 television episodes: "Captain Z-Ro" (24 episodes); "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger" (23 episodes); "One Step Beyond" hosted by John Newland (18 episodes); "Flash Gordon" starring Steve Holland (14 episodes); "The Phantom Empire" movie serial starring Gene Autry (12 chapters); "Radar Men From The Moon" movie serial starring George Wallace as Commando Cody (12 chapters); "Undersea Kingdom" movie serial starring Ray 'Crash' Corrigan (12 chapters); "Space Angel" animated TV series (9 episodes); "Tales of Tomorrow" (6 episodes); "Lights Out!" (4 episodes); "Captain Fathom" animated TV series (3 episodes); "General Electric Theater" hosted by Ronald Reagan (2 episodes); "The Shadow" ("Invisible Avenger" and TV pilot "Cotton Kimona") — and these single episodes: "Climax! Mystery Theater: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" starring Michael Rennie [1955]; "Clutch Cargo: Operation Moon Beam"
animated TV series [1959]; "Destination Space" TV movie [1959]; "Johnny Jupiter" live action & puppets [1953-54]; "Stamp Day For Superman" promo short starring George Reeves [1954]; "The Star and The Story: Dark Stranger" starring Edmond O'Brien [1955]; "Here Comes Tobor" unsold ½-hour TV pilot [1957]; "Tales of Frankenstein" unsold ½-hour TV pilot [1958]; "Thriller: The Return of Andrew Bentley" hosted by Boris Karloff [1961]; "Your Jeweler's Showcase: Operation, E.S.P." [1952]

"The Shadow Knows: Into The Night" [in development 9/2021]
Announced by Slam City Films; to be directed by Michael Vincent • latest info at IMDb

the title is the only connection with these films and fiction works

"The Shadow" [Real Art Prodns March 1933]
The Shadow 1933 movie  title is the only connection here: a group of people in an old dark house are terrorized by a mysterious hooded figure dressed in black who proceeds to kill them off one by one . . . • Produced by Julius Hagen; directed by George A. Cooper; screen adaptation by Terence Egan & H. Fowler Mear, based on a stageplay by Gerald Verner/Donald Stuart [1897-1980]; starring Henry Kendall, Elizabeth Allan, Felix Aylmer, Jeanne Stuart, Cyril Raymond, Viola Compton, John Turnbull, Ralph Truman, Denis Cowles, Vincent Holman, James Raglan, Gordon Begg, Charles Carson • full credits at IMDb
Alpha Video b&w DVD [10/2014] for $6.98
watch full movie [12/2013 upload; 1:10:32] online at Internet Archive may require a different browser

"The Shadow Laughs" [Trojan Pictures March 1933]
The Shadow Laughs 1933 movie  title is the only connection here: The police investigation of a bank robbery doesn't seem to be making much headway, so a newspaper reporter decides to investigate on his own • Written & directed by Arthur Hoerl; A.D. Walter R. Sheridan; starring {annoying actor} Hal Skelly, Rose Hobart, Harry T. Morey, Walter Fenner, Robert Keith, Geoffrey Bryant, Harry/Hal Short, John F. Morrissey, Bram Nossen, Cesar Romero {film debut}
Alpha Video Region 0 {sic} b&w DVD [5/2011] for $5.99  possibly PAL format only
full credits at IMDb • bare movie entry at Wikipedia
watch movie - 4 minutes missing [2/2015 upload; 1:03:16] at Internet Archive may require a different browser

"The Whispering Shadow" 12-chapter serial [Mascot Pictures April 1933]
The Whispering Shadow 1933 serial  title is the only connection here: A mysterious criminal known as The Whispering Shadow commits crimes by means of a gang that he manages by television and radio rays; Jack Foster, whose brother was murdered by The Whispering Shadow, suspects that the eerie Professor Strang {Lugosi} - whose ghostly wax museum contains figures far too lifelike - may be involved in the crimes
Produced by Nat Levine & J. Laurence Wickland; co-written & directed by Colbert Clark; directed by Albert Herman; co-written by Barney A. Sarecky, George Morgan, Norman S. Hall, Wyndham Gittens; starring Bela Lugosi, Malcolm McGre-gor, Viva Tattersall, Henry B. Walthall, Robert Warwick, Ethel Clayton, Roy D'Arcy, Karl Dane, Lloyd Whitlock, Bob Kortman, Lafe McKee, Lionel Backus, Yakima Canutt, Kernan Cripps, Gordon De Main, William Desmond, Norman Feusier, Robert Frazer, George J. Lewis, Tom London, George Magrill, George Morrell, Eddie Parker, Jack Perrin, Max Wagner
Grapevine Video b&w Blu-ray [2/2018] 2 disks for $19.99
Grapevine Video b&w DVD [2/2018] 2 disks for $22.63
Video Treasures b&w VHS [6/2002] 2 tapes - out of prodn/used
full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
watch 'The Whispering Shadow' playlist [6/2020 upload] online at YouTube

"The Vanishing Shadow" 12-chapter serial
[Universal Pictures April 1934]
The Vanishing Shadow 1934 serial  title is the only connection here: A young electrical engineer avenges the death of his newspaper editor father at the hands of corrupt politicians; he and his mad scientist friend develop a wide variety of complex devices - ray guns, robots, and a 'vanishing belt' - to use in their joint crusade • Chapter Titles: 1. Accused of Murder; 2. The Destroying Ray; 3. The Avalanche; 4. Trapped; 5. Hurled From The Sky; 6. Chain Lightning; 7. The Tragic Crash; 8. The Shadow of Death; 9. Blazing Bulkheads; 10. The Iron Death; 11. The Juggernaut; 12. Retribution
Produced by Carl Laemmle; directed by Louis Friedlander; written by Het Mannheim, Basil Dickey, George Morgan, Ella O'Neill; starring Onslow Stevens, Ada Ince, Walter Miller, James Durkin, Richard Cramer, William Desmond, J. Frank Glendon, Sidney Bracey, Monte Montague, Edmund Cobb, Beulah Hutton, Don Brodie, Lee J. Cobb {movie debut}, Frank Ellis, Al Ferguson, Lois January, Tom London, Philo McCullough, Jack O'Shea, Bud Osborne, William Steele • full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
V.C.I. Video b&w Blu-ray [8/2019] 2 disks for $16.99
V.C.I. Video b&w DVD [8/2019] for $13.99
watch 12-chapter playlist [8/2020 upload] online at YouTube

"The Shadow" movie [Columbia Pictures Dec 1937]
The Shadow 1937 circus movie  title is the only connection here: girl inherits a rundown circus; employee who owns notes due in 24 hours is killed and the girl is top suspect; boyfriend sets out to solve this and further killings • Directed by Charles C. Coleman, Jr.; written by Milton Raison & Arthur T. Horman; cinematography by Lucien Ballard; starring Rita Hayworth {first starring role}, Charles Quigley, Marc Lawrence, Arthur Loft, Dick Curtis, Vernon Dent, Marjorie Main, Donald Kirke, Dwight Frye, Bess Flowers, William Irving, Eddie Fetherston, Sally St. Clair, Sue St. Clair, John Tyrrell, Beatrice Curtis, Ann Doran, Beatrice Blinn, Bud Jamison, Harry Strang, Francis Sayles, Edward Hearn, Edward LeSaint, Harry Bernard, Ernie Adams, Teddy Mangean, Clemens knife-throwing act, George Hickman
VHS/DVD/Blu-ray not available • full credits at IMDb • movie entry at Wikipedia
watch full b&w movie [2/2021 upload; 58:02] online at YouTube TIP: turn sound down

The Shadow Knows 1974 novel by Diane Johnson  "The Shadow Knows: A Novel" [1974] by Diane Johnson
title is the only connection here: a young woman struggling to raise four children alone in a housing project is harrassed and then terrorized by an unknown adversary . . .
Plume 8½x5 pb [3/98] for $10.97
Random House/Knopf hardcover [1974] out of print/used
The Shadow Knows teen romance novel by Becky Stuart  "The Shadow Knows (First Love Romance Novels #136)" [1985] by Becky Stuart
title is the only connection here: Sonny's father walked out seven years ago and has not returned; now Sonny is the man of the house, a lot of responsibility for a thirteen-year-old boy; he has to take care of himself and his beautiful, self-centered mother. It is beginning to get to him: he is sleeping badly and having nightmares. Fortunately he has a good friend, his tough and stubborn neighbor, Abby. Hand in hand, they wander through the indifferent streets of New York City . . .
Silhouette mass pb [3/85] out of print/used
Harlequin Mills & Boon hardcover [1987] out of print/used
'The Shadow Knows' stories by Jack Lehman  
"The Shadow Knows: Stories" [2013] by Jack Lehman
three short stories: "Orson Welles In Wisconsin", "Hitchcock: Strangers In The Pool",
and "How I Met Raymond Chandler"

68-page Kindle Edition from CreateSpace [10/2013] for $2.99
66-page CreateSpace 9x6 pb [9/2013] for $5.38
'The Shadow Knows' photographs by Lee Friedlander   "The Shadow Knows" [2020] 101 photographs by Lee Friedlander [b. 1934]
SPQR Editions 9½x11 hardcover [8/2020] for $23.90

'The Shadow Knows' album on CD  "The Shadow Knows" Compilation [2018] from Bear Family Records of Germany
Bear Family Records audio CD [7/2018] 34 tracks for $11.89
basically a scary Hallowe'en-themed music & video compilation, with only two tracks connected to "The Shadow"; the 30 songs include "The Shadow Knows" by The Coasters (1950), "The Shadow Knows" by Link Wray & His Raymen (1964); also includes trailers for "I Was A Teenage Were-wolf" [1957], "Horror of Dracula" [1958], "Plan 9 From Outer Space' [1959], "Black Sunday"
[1960], and a 24-page booklet
'The Shadow Knows More' album on CD  "The Shadow Knows More" Compilation [2020] from Bear Family Records of Germany
Bear Family Records audio CD [7/2020] 35 tracks for $11.89
second volume of scary Hallowe'en-themed music & video compilation, with only one track connected to "The Shadow": the radio intro To "Detective Story Hour"; the 33 songs include rarities by Louis Armstrong, The Champs, Duane Eddy & Dean Martin; only one movie trailer: "Vampire Circus" [1972]; plus a 24-page booklet

Other  Media

'The  Shadow'  Club
'The Shadow Club' pin  Ads inviting readers to join 'The Shadow Club' appeared in The Shadow Magazine and other Street & Smith periodicals; the cost was $14.95 plus $2.50 s/h for which the new member received a pot-metal pin, a ring, a signed photograph, a certificate, a secret code, and an Agent card (and further mailings, of course)
click here for large view of entry form (in a new window)

"The Shadow" video game [Ocean Software 1994]
loosely based on "The Shadow" movie of 1994: On a dark rainy night in 1930s New York City, The Shadow must reach
the lair of arch-villain Shiwan Khan and defeat him; while never officially released, the game did get leaked online
game credits at IMDb

Works  About  The Shadow

Great Detectives book edited by Otto Penzler  "The Great Detectives: The World's Most Celebrated Sleuths Unmasked By Their Authors" [1978]
Edited by Otto Penzler

includes Foreword by Otto Penzler; Roderick Alleyn by Ngaio Marsh; John Appleby by Michael Innes; Lew Archer by Ross Macdonald; Father Bredder by Leonard Holton; Flash Casey by George Harmon Coxe; Pierre Chambrun by Hugh Pentecost; Inspector Cockrill by Christianna Brand; Captain Josι Da Silva by Robert L. Fish; Nancy Drew by Carolyn Keene; The 87th Precinct by Ed McBain; Fred Fellows by Hillary Waugh; Inspector Ghote by H.R.F. Keating; Matt Helm by Donald Hamilton; Duncan Maclain by Baynard H. Kendrick; Mark McPherson by Vera Caspary; Lt. Luis Mendoza by Dell Shannon; Mr. & Mrs. North by Richard Lockridge; Patrick Petrella by Michael Gilbert; Supt. Pibble by Peter Dickinson; Quiller by Adam Hall; Inspector Schmidt by George Bagby; The Shadow by Maxwell Grant; Michael Shayne by Brett Halliday; Virgil Tibbs by John Ball; Dick Tracy by Chester Gould; and Inspector Van der Valk by Nicolas Freeling
Kindle Edition from Mysterious Press [8/2012] for $7.69
Penguin mass pb [8/79] out of print/used
Little, Brown & Co. 8¼x5¾ hardcover [3/78] out of print/many used

The Shadow Scrapbook by Walter B. Gibson  
"The Shadow Scrapbook" [1979] by Walter B. Gibson, Preface by Chris Steinbrunner
'The complete story behind the mysterious Shadow of pulp magazine and radio fame
compiled by his chief creator'

Harcourt/Harvest pb [1979] out of print/used
Radio Mystery & Adventure book by Jim Harmon  "Radio Mystery and Adventure, and Its Appearances In Film, Television and Other Media"
[1992] by Jim Harmon, with Forewords by Carleton E. Morse, Jack Lester & Les Tremayne

radio shows covered include: "The Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen", "Captain Midnight", "Sergeant Preston of The Yukon", "Dick Tracy", "Green Hornet", "I Love A Mystery", "Jack Armstrong", "Little Orphan Annie", "The Lone Ranger", "The Shadow", "Sherlock Holmes", "Sky King", "Superman", and "Tom Mix"
McFarland & Co. 9x6 pb [12/2003] for $37.95
McFarland & Co. 9¼x6¼ library hardcover [11/92] out of print/many used

The War of the Worlds Murder mystery novel by Max Allan Collins  "The War of The Worlds Murder" mystery novel [2005] by Max Allan Collins
As Orson Welles and his Mercury Theater team are preparing for the big Hallowe'en 1938 radio broadcast of H.G. Wells's "War of The Worlds", one of Orson's former mistresses is found murdered; Orson is a prime suspect, and the 'broadcast must go on', while Walter Gibson, creator of "The Shadow", works behind the scenes to find out whether Orson did or did not kill the girl.
Kindle Edition from Thomas & Mercer [12/2012] for $3.99
Thomas & Mercer 8¼x5½ pb [12/2012] for $11.90
Berkley mass pb [7/2005] out of print/used
Thorndike Press hardcover [7/2005] out of print/used
Mystery Movie Series of 1940s Hollywood book by Ron Backer  "Mystery Movie Series of 1940s Hollywood" [2010] by Ron Backer
Author focuses on 19 series (146 films) including popular Ellery Queen, Boston Blackie, Michael Shayne, Dick Tracy, The Falcon, Sherlock Holmes, and The Saint and lesser-known series such as the Whistling comedies with Red Skelton, and Monogram's "The Shadow".
Kindle Edition from McFarland [5/2010] for $16.19
McFarland & Co. 9½x6½ pb [5/2010] for $42.75
The Shadow Knows 2-hour documentary by Robby Reed   "The Shadow Knows: The Thrilling History of The Pulp/Radio Superstar!" [2012]
10-chapter, two-hour-long documentary featuring commentary by Walter Gibson, Orson Welles, Bill Johnstone, Brett Morrison, Chris Noel (voice of Margo Lane), Alec Baldwin, and Anthony Tollin
Written, produced & directed by 'Robby Reed'
indep 2-hour color DVD [5/2012] out of prodn/sold out!
not listed at IMDb • watch 5/2012 official trailer [1:22] online at YouTube
Master of Mystery - Rise of The Shadow book by Will Murray   "Master of Mystery: The Rise of The Shadow" [2021] by pop culture historian & novelist  7/2021
Will Murray, cover by Joe DeVito, new illustrations by Colton Worley

Very detailed history of the origins of and further stories about 'The Shadow'; includes rare interviews with Walter B. Gibson, writer Theodore Tinsley, editor John L. Nanovic, and artists Graves Gladney & Edd Cartier
Odyssey Publns 9x6 pb [7/2021] for $29.95

About  The  Author

Walter Brown Gibson [1897-1985]
"The Shadow" radio scripts [1931 to 1954] and stories were mostly written by Walter B. Gibson, using the pen name 'Maxwell Grant';
he was credited as co-author on movies "The Shadow" & "The Shadow Strikes" [both 1937] and "The Shadow" [1994]. Gibson also wrote
180+ books on magic, psychic phenomena, true crime, mysteries, rope knots, yoga, hypnotism, and games.
browse books at the Walter B. Gibson Store at Amazon
Walter B. Gibson entry at Wikipedia • Walter B. Gibson bibliography page at Wikipedia

lots more info on Spirit of America Bookstore's Walter Brown Gibson [1897-1985] Page

Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow book by Thomas J. Shimeld   "Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow" [2003]
by Thomas J. Shimeld, Foreword by Robert W. Gibson

Kindle Edition from McFarland & Co. [8/2011] for $9.99
McFarland & Co. 10x7 pb [8/2005] for $29.95
McFarland & Co. 10½x7 hardcover [3/2003] out of print/used

Principal  Characters  and  Humans
character details for 'The Shadow' at Wikipedia

Lamont Cranston, alias The Shadow
Lamont Cranston was portrayed on radio by 22-year-old Orson Welles (1937-38), Bill Johnstone (for five seasons), Bret Morrison
(the longest tenure, with 10 years total in two separate runs), John Archer, and Steven Courtleigh
Frank Readick Jr. portrayed the voice of 'The Shadow' on the radio program and on many films
Lamont Cranston was portrayed on film by Rod La Rocque (two movies), Victor Jory (the 1940 serial), Kane Richmond (three 1946 B-movies),
Richard Derr (1958 TV pilots & B-movie release), and Alec Baldwin (the 1994 color movie)

Margo Lane / Phoebe Lane

newspaper reporter Clyde Burke

NYPD Commissioner Ralph Weston
NYPD Commissioner Wainwright Barth
NYPD Detective (later Inspector) Joseph Cardona

Moses 'Moe' Shrevnitz, a.k.a. 'Shrevvy': a cab driver who often doubles as Cranston's chauffeur

early line drawing for 'The Shadow Magazine' of Lamont Cranston        early line drawing for 'The Shadow Magazine' of Margo Lane        early line drawing for 'The Shadow Magazine' of cab driver Moses 'Moe' Shrevnitz

L i n k s
'The Shadow' entry at Wikipedia
Walter B. Gibson entry at Wikipedia
browse books at the Walter B. Gibson Store at Amazon
search videos/DVDs on keywords 'walter+b.+gibson' at Amazon
Walter B. Gibson credits at Internet Movie Database

DR's Shadow fansite redirects to Facebook
JH's 'The Shadow: Master of Darkness' fansite [est. 2001] of Canada
'The Shadow' links page at Anthony Tollin's website

here on BlackHat Mystery Bookstore's "The Shadow" Page

top of page • short history • radio show • stories & books • movies & TV • other media •

works about The Shadow • about the author • principal characters • links

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